83-He goes on a tampon run

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Louis: "Okay, but my thing is I don't know which brand she likes." He says, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks at the male employee who is standing there with a bewildered look on his face. He clears his throat and nods, his cheeks becoming flustered. "Um...well, my girlfriend uses the ones with the little blue flowers on it." He starts off. "Okay, I know she doesn't like those." Louis cuts in. "I'm sorry sir, I don't know what to tell you." He says before walking away, clearly embarrassed at his encounter with your boyfriend. Louis soon calls you and asks you which brand you prefer. 

Niall: "Okay, I'm going to take this half of the list and you take this half. Meet me at the check out in ten minutes." You say handing him a list. He nods and goes off, grabbing everything you had written down before heading for the next item: tampons. Instead of being a coward he was going to man up and get what you needed, but he didn't know where they were. He found an employee and asked for directions and finds them easily. The only problem is he doesn't know what you like so he grabs the box that looks the most familiar and meets you in the check out. "Hey...nice job." You say picking it up. "Did you really know which kind I use?" You ask. "No. I guessed." He confesses. 

Liam: "Regular or super sized?" He says in a hushed tone into his cellphone. "Regular." You repeat for what seems like the billionth time. "Regular okay...So no super sized?" He asks again. "No, Liam! Oh my god!" You shout in frustration. "Remind me never again to mess with you while you're on your period." He says softly with an obvious smile in his voice. "Just get back to the house, please." You groan before hanging up without saying goodbye. Ten minutes later he walked in and handed you a box, "Here you go." He says, sitting down. "Liam James Payne...I said regular a bizzlion times and you got me super sized!" He sits there for a second before getting up. "I'll be back." He says grabbing his keys. 

Zayn: "Sweetie...Babe, wake up." Zayn mumbles as he shakes you. "What Zayn?" You groan, upset that he woke you. "Um...You're kind of bleeding." He mumbles awkwardly. You groan and sit up, "Stupid period. Get out of bed and I'll change the sheets after I clean up." You say walking to the bathroom. You groaned loudly once you opened the drawer and realized you were out of tampons. "Are you out again?" He asks softly. You groan in reply. "I'll be back, okay? Clean yourself up." He says as he grabbed his jacket. 

Harry: You heard the door open and you sighed with thankfulness that Harry was finally back. "Okay...so..." He says speaking slowly. "I didn't know which ones to get so I kind of got one of each." He mumbles as he hands you the bag. "Plus, you didn't tell me which size? I didn't even know there were sizes." He says, his nose scrunched up. You sigh and peck his cheek before grabbing the right box and running off towards the bathroom. "Do I get a thank you?" He shouts. "Thank you!" You yell as she shut the bathroom door.

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