51-He mentions marriage casually...

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Liam:  "___, can you pass the salt?" You lean and pass Ruth the salt with a smile. You and Liam were at his parents house for your monthly Sunday dinner with his family. Liam has a hand on your knee, drumming his fingers at a rapid rate. You know he does this when he is bored with the conversation around him. "___ and I eloped!" He says randomly. You almost choke on your food, looking at him like he's lost his mind. "Kidding." He states. "Don't kid about marriage with a girl." Nicola warms, holding back a laugh. You laugh a bit with her. "She knows that I'm crazy about her, marriage will come eventually, right?" Liam asks looking at you. He said it so casually, like talking about the weather. "Right." You agree. You can see yourself married to Liam, so why not let him know?

Louis:  "I swear on everything holy if we go into another store where they play that god-forsaken song one more time, I will strangle myself." You snort at Louis's dramatics. "Lou, that's your song." You counter, shifting your bags over to your other hand. Louis notices your struggle and grabs them from you, carrying them easily. "Yeah, but do you know how many times I've had to hear 'What Makes You Beautiful'? Zayn and I lost count at 150." You roll your eyes at him, when the large Tiffany store window catches your eye. "Like moths to a lamp." You hear Louis mumble, trailing behind you. You remind yourself to give him something with sugar before you leave the house next time to keep his mood up. "Babe, we can go in if you want." He says, placing a hand on your waist. You shake your head. "Which one do you like?" Louis asks, and you follow his gaze to the engagement rings. "Seriously?" You ask. "For future reference." He states happily, resting his head on your shoulder. You blush and point to the one you like best, and Louis nods, pulling you in the other direction.

Zayn:  "I might puke." Harry says slowly, placing his can of soda down, purposely shoving your legs off Zayn's lap. You roll your eyes and replace them. "Leave the love-birds alone." Niall says from across the room, his arm around his own girlfriends waist. "Sorry we can't all be un-happy and brooding like you Haz." Zayn replies jokingly, putting his arms back on top of your legs. You two were at Harry;s house for annual couple movie night, funny thing is, Harry is now the only single one. "You'll find the right girl eventually Styles." You say teasingly. "Maybe one who isn't a total fame whore or is 15 years older." Louis counters, patting his best friends back. "I hate all of you." He says, though you can see his smile. "I'll just attend everyone's wedding by myself, I'll be the fun drunk guy." Harry says, making a funny gesture. "Not at our wedding. You can be the fun sober guy. You're obnoxious when you're smashed." Zayn says, now lacing his fingers through yours. "Our wedding?" You ask, turning to face him a bit. "Yep." He says simply, popping his 'p' with a smirk. You shrug, holding back a grin.

Niall:  "I'm going to kill myself if I get another carrot." Louis sing-songs in an annoyed voice as his back is turned to the fans in line at the signing. You were seated on the floor behind the table, hanging out with the other girlfriends while your boys did their jobs. You laugh and toss him a water bottle, and he smiles. "Grin and bear it Tommo." Liam says, now spinning around, also grabbing a water. You look up when you hear a little girls voice addressing Niall. "Niall!" She says excitedly, she can't be more than 7, and she has a small four leaf clover drawn on her cheek. "Can I ask a question?" She asks almost nervously. You smile softly as Niall reaches out and grabs her hand. "Of course Princess!" He states in his thick accent, now all the boys smiling at the cute girl at the end of the table. "Who is your wife going to be? Mommy says I'm to little and I want to make sure she is nice and gives you food!" She says quickly. Niall laughs loudly and leans in towards the girl. "See that girl sitting there? her name is ___, and I hope she is my wife one day, and she is a very good cook!" Niall says reassuring the girl. You blush at the comment, waving to her as Niall keeps his gaze on you. You meet his eyes and he smiles nervously. You simply grin back at him.

Harry:  "Uncle Harry is getting tired Lux." You snort as he talks in the third person. Lux simply throws her stuffed giraffe at him, hitting him straight in the nose. "Nice shot Lux!" You say, now moving onto the floor next to them. You were babysitting for Lou while she was out shopping for the day. "I thought we were closer than that, girlfriend, I really thought we were." Harry says blandly, eyeing the one year old, shaking his head jokingly. You giggle and Lux laughs along with you. You grab her and make funny faces, and you can feel Harry's eyes on you. He gently shoves you both laying back and tickles you both. the two of you laugh loudly until you hear the door swing open, and Lou's familiar footfalls on your wood floor. "Hate to interrupt such a moment." She says with a smile, and at the sight of her mother, Lux lifts her arms, wanting to be picked up. Lou grabs her and kisses her cheek. "Did you have a fun day with Uncle Harry and Auntie ____? I bet you did." She says, cooing to the little girl. "You two are going to be great parents one day." Lou says, smiling at you both. "Let us get married first please." Harry states, wrapping his arms around you from behind. You laugh quietly. "I'm being serious." Harry whispers in your ear. You smile widely, planting a kiss on his cheek.

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