64- 'Little sister' no more....

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Liam:  "Boys are stupid." She sniffs again, grabbing at a tissue from across me. I chuckle, "I know." I say, tapping her thigh. "You're not stupid, I don't understand why boys my age can't act like you." she mumbles, blowing into the tissue. "I don't think it has to do much with age, I think it's got more to do with the person than anything." I said quietly, trying to change the age subject. ___ was only a year younger, but it was times like this when she was needing comfort that I felt older than her. The boys already made fun of me for liking her so much, saying she thought of me as an older brother. "True. More guys should be like you Liam." She said, leaning against me. "And what am I like?" I questioned, trying to get something out of her. She sighed, and blinked a few times. "Amazing." She mumbled. I glanced at her and cleared my throat. "Mind elaborating?" I questioned. "Supportive. Sweet. Funny, kind. Generous...Sexy." She blushed furiously. "What was that last one?" I teased, turning my head to look at her as she rested on my shoulder. She dug her face into my neck. "Liam..." She whined, and I bit my lip at how cute she sounded. "No, what did you say? I'm sexy?" I teased her further, my hands tickling her stomach lightly. She laughed loudly, thrashing around a bit, her hands latching behind my neck as she laughed. I stopped for a moment, looking at her for a moment. "I don't want to be this big brother figure anymore, ____." I said, my head pounding. "Liam...I never thought of you as a 'big brother'." She said, her hands moving against my neck as I smiled.

Louis:  I smiled as Harry and ____ came into view. I loved hanging out with them both so I jumped at the opportunity to have lunch with them. I mostly just wanted to catch up with ____, I saw Harry every day anyways. ____ was Harrys best friend, so she was around often, and I got so accustomed to her, I thought of her as another little sister for quite some time. Then she told me she would never be interested in Harry, while wearing a very lovely yellow sundress, and now I can't stop my mind from wanting more. She was only two years younger, but there was still a brotherly instinct in me to protect her. There was another to kiss her senseless, but I shoved that one back. "Hi Lou!" She grinned, hugging me quickly, pecking my cheek, before sitting across from me. I threw a smile at harry and he gave a wave of the hand, not sitting down. He smirked and rubbed his hands together before speaking. "I think you two should spend some quality time together. Louis, be a gentlemen and pay. ___ act like a lady. Enjoy your first date and I'm sure one of you will call me later to tell me how amazing it was." ___ and I both blinked as Harry sauntered out of the restaurant, completely normal. She was blushing like mad, but I figured since I would never have the courage, I should take Harry's lead. "We could, you know, go on one date, I wouldn't mind." I said, stuttering a bit. She blushed, smiling. "Neither would I."

Zayn:  "You really suck at girls, you know that man?" Niall said as I shoved further into the dressing room. I glared at him a bit, but shook it off. "You've been girlfriendless for two years now." I retorted, falling back onto the couch. "Right. Too much work. Now what advice do you need now?" He asked, opening up the chips he had been carrying. "It's about ___." I mention, playing with my bracelet. Niall blinks once or twice. "What about her?" He says, his mouth full. I try to put into words what I'm thinking, but it won't come out, so I'm silent for a few moments. "We've got a show in 25 minutes man, spit it out." Niall eventually says. I sigh. "She was over the other night and everything was normal and then when she left I went to hug her and I just felt something weird, and then all the sudden I was nervous and acting like a total idiot." I breathe. "So you were being yourself." He says, chuckling at his own joke. "Real helpful, Niall." I grunt. "Not sure what's confusing, you like her mate." He shrugs, tossing a piece of balled up paper at Louis as he walks by. I frown. I don't like ____. She's like my baby sister. We've always been like siblings, I was a year older than her, so I felt the need to give her advice and things, mostly on guys. And how they were all wrong for her. "Shit." I said out loud, my hands going through my hair. "Lovely reaction. I'm sure she'll love that." Niall said sarcastically. "We have to go to stage now, but why don't you call her and tell her after. I'm no expert but the way she looks at you doesn't read 'brother' to me." Niall said, handing me my ear-ins and patting my back.

Niall:  "Horan, I will start this movie without you!" She calls from the other room. I ignore her and roll my eyes, dumping the popcorn into a bowl. "You're the one who wanted popcorn." I responds, handing her the bowl and hopping over my couch. "Yeah but you were the one who wanted to make two bags." She retorted. "Yeah cause you eat it all." I teased and winced a bit when she punched my arm. "Ow! I would kick you out for that, but it's past your curfew." I teased, smirking at her. She glared, shaking her head and turning back towards the movie. "Are you even old enough to be watching this?" I asked, poking her sides. "Niall, enough." She says, all the sudden serious, shoving my hand away. I blink, confused. I let her alone for a few minutes, before speaking. "Are you okay?" I ask quietly. "I'm fine, I just, don't wanna always be the little girl you see me as. I'm only two years younger than you Niall, and you make me out to seem about five. I don't even know why it bothers me." She finished shrugging. I nodded, understanding. "I don't mean anything by it. I'm sorry." I really didn't mean anything by it. I think I kept her as the 'little sister' so I wouldn't feel so guilty about thinking about her in a romantic light. She wasn't paying attention anymore, but I studied the side of her face, realizing just how beautiful she actually was. She turned to me, most likely feeling my gaze and smiled. "Yes?" she asked lightly, smiling. "I don't think of you as a little girl. I think of you as a gorgeous, brilliant young woman." I confessed, looking at the ground. "Gorgeous?" She squeaked out, and I laughed a bit, nodding. "Yes, gorgeous." I confirmed, smiling at her.

Harry:  "___ looks amazing in her dress." My sister says from next to me, handing me my drink. I nod, not really looking over, I'll say hi to her later. Gemma takes a sip from whatever she's drinking and turns to me. "Can I ask you something?" She says in a voice that sounds exactly like my mothers. I glance at her, "Shoot." I drone. "How come you mope around here like a lonely dog, and not ask ___ out on a date." I cough a bit, confused. "___?" I echo. "Yeah. You two are like best friends. She's smart, pretty and you two obviously get along." Gemma says, shrugging. "She's like my little sister." I state slowly, now searching the crowd for her. "She doesn't look little anymore... all I'm saying Harry is think about it." She says, patting my shoulder and disappearing. I'm lost in my thoughts for a few minutes, a 9 year old ___ daring me to kiss her, and me too being nervous to. Or her at 14, so much more fearless than me, dragging an awkward 16 year old me onto the largest rollercoaster and holding my hand as I screamed like a girl. She was everything I wasn't. Still is. "Haz!" She calls out, pushing her way through the crowd, and all the sudden I'm nervous. My sister was right, she looks amazing in a dress I've probably seen before, but all the sudden everything's different. I grab her wrist, pulling her through the crowd as she giggles, bumping into me lightly. "I have a question." I start, not sure how I was going to say this. "Shoot." She says, smiling. "Remember when you dared me to kiss you when we were little? I ran away cause I scared...And I want to redeem myself." I mumbled, grasping at her hands, linking them through mine. She smiles shyly at me. "Gemma talked to you, didn't she?" She asks, looking up at me. "Just gave me a push in the right direction." I mumble, leaning towards her.

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