130- You're his ex Part 2

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Niall- "I'm to fill in for Lou. I would of been done if you actually got here on time." you snapped at him. "I had other things." he said sitting in the chair. "I dont care." you said, but in reality you really did care. Your heart pounding fast. "Well, i'm leaving." Louis said making a dash for the door. The rest of the boys leaving behind him. Harry left, even after you gave him a look. He didn't want to be in the same room as the two of you. They didn't want to be there as much as you didn't want to be there. "Just don't do anything to my hair. Or burn me on "Accident"" he said. "I wouldn't do that." you said soft. You didn't want to fight with him anymore. The rest of the time was spent in silence. "Done." you said. "Thanks." he said getting up to leave. "Have fun." you said as you packed your stuff to leave. You thought he left but when you turned around to see that he was standing at the door, you were confused. What was he doing? "Are you leaving?" he asked. You nodded. "Can you stay. I want to talk to you after. I mean if that's okay?" he said. You nodded. Maybe he had something good to say?

Liam- After the interview you tried to ignore Liam. Not that you were irritated with him. It was just hard for you to see him. It was hard to hear in the news about him and his new girlfriend. You were happy that he moved on, but you still had feelings for him. You still wanted him to be yours. You could tell someone was staring at you, you turned around to see Liam quickly look away. What were they still doing here? interview was over. "Can i leave early today? Im done with everything." you asked your boss. He nodded. You started to pack up your things and head out the door. Walking in the parking lot you headed to your car. You got in and started the car. Instead of immediately leaving, like usual, you sat there. Thinking about him, thinking about everything you messed up with him. You started to back up when you saw Liam walk behind your car. You stopped and got out of the car. "What the hell, Liam. I almost ran you over!" you yelled. "I'm sorry, i was just trying to find you." he said, "For what?" you asked. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

Louis- "Guys, come on!" you giggled as the boys did nothing you asked them to do. "It's been an hour and i only have a handfull of pictures of you. I need you guys to work with me okay?" you giggled again. "Okay." Harry said. They got in position they were supposed to get in. As you were about to take the picture they moved, making stupid faces. You rolled you eyes. "If you guys don't do this right. I have to leave in an hour, so you are going to have to get another photographer." you said, hoping they would listen to you now, but they didn't. An hour went by and you still didn't have enough pictures. You laughed as you went through the pictures, while the boys were getting their next outfit on. "I like that one." Louis said behind you. "Really?" you asked. "yeah, it's funny." he said. You just giggled. "You okay?" he asked noticing that you were kind of upset. "yeah...." you said. Louis gave you a look and you knew that he knew that you weren't okay. "No." you said. "Whats wrong?" he asked. You took a deep breathe before asking. "What happened to us?" 

Zayn- "Yeah." you said blushing. He smiled that smile you missed for a while. "How come your here?" he asked. You didn't have your uniform on, so he didn't know for sure why you were there. "Im catering." you answered. "Cool. You been here the whole time?" he asked and you just nodded. "I thought i saw you earlier." he said, you just smiled. "I have to get back to work." you said walking away. "Wait." he said grabbing your arm. His grasp made you drop the drink you were holding fall, getting all over you. "Zayn." you said giggling. You just giggled back. "I'm so sorry. Here." he handed you a towel that was laying on the table. "You were always spilling shit on me." you said referring to the first time you met. You looked up at him, he looked back at you. You both stood there, starring at each other. "(Y/N)!" your boss yelled. "I got a go." you said leaving. "(Y/N), stay after the party. Meet me here!" he yelled not knowing if you heard, but you did. What did he want?

Harry- You knew exactly who that was that called your name, but you hoped it was someone else. You turned to not only see Harry behind you, but the rest of the boys. All they boys except Harry smiled and waved. Harry looked just as shocked as you were. You stood there like deer in the headlights. You didn't know what to do and it was awkward. You were kind of upset that you got caught to be honest. "Hi." you said. Harry just stood there. They rest of the boys said hi realizing that Harry wasn't going to say anything. "How are you?" Zayn asked. "I'm good." you said. "What are you doing here?" Harry asked. "I was  working. You were low in security and Paul asked me to work." you answered. At that moment Paul came up. "(Y/N), we need you really fast. Some girls got in." he said. You followed him, glad that you got away from that awkwardness. But what you didn't know was Harry was going to find you later.. he had something to tell you.

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