58-Time with his mother....

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Liam:  "There was really no need to call my Mum, babe." Liam says, now sitting at the kitchen table. "Yes there was, it's a mess here." Karen replies, moving a few bowls over. You look at Liam, sticking out your tongue and he rolls his eyes,resting his head in his hands. "He was never very good at failing." Karen points out, setting the oven to 350. "We didn't fail, we just, didn't exactly succeed." Liam says loudly, his accent coming out more now that his mother is around. "Baby, we failed." You say, kissing his head, and throwing your arms around his neck. "Niall can make these stupid cookies, and I can't. That's what i don't get." He says seriously as his Mom starts to re-make the dough. " Yeah, and he gets angry that he can't beat-box. It evens out." You tap his chest, moving to help Karen with the cookies. You hear Liam go into the living room and turn on the TV. "He really loves you." Karen says after a few moments. You look up at her, confused. She hands over he cell phone, with Liam's twitter open. 'Mum and @y/t/n are making cookies. adrble.' You laugh at the attached picture of you and karen hunched over the kitchen counter. "He loves you too, it seems." You counter. "Yes, but hes required to love me. Otherwise, I wouldn't make him cookies." She jokes. "Same goes for me!" You smile as you put the cookies in the oven.

Louis:  "Oh my goodness! Please tell me he doesn't do this often." You turn towards the accent, which sounds exactly like Louis' as she holds up a pair of his boating shoes, thrown randomly in the bathroom cupboard. "When I say 'out of the way', he just takes that and runs with it." You say, laughing slightly. "Gosh, he's a mess." Johannah states, shaking he head. "Yeah, but he's our mess." You say, smiling, grabbing the shoes, and putting them at the end of your bed, where they belong. "I think he's more yours now, love." She smiles at you, patting your hair down a bit. You smile, "Yeah but he'll always be a mama's boy. I don't even get a phone call when he meets the queen." You joke, knowing that Louis texted you, freaking out, seconds after. You both turn when you hear a familar voice mutter a 'shit' as he hits his elbow on the door frame. "Language." You and Johannah state at the same time. Louis looks up, his eyebrows raised. "Too much time together for you two. Mum, what're you doing here?" He says, kissing his cheek and pulling you into his side, kissing your hair quickly. "Cleaning up all your stuff with your lovely girlfriend. Mind you neither of us should have to do it, Louis William. Correct me if i'm wrong but someone is turning 21 in just-" Louis cuts her off, picking up random piece of clothes off the floor. "No lecture, nope. Louis is cleaning. See?" He holds up one of your bras in his hands, making you blush furiously, while Johannah just laughs.

Zayn:  "Mrs. Malik, I can help you." You say, raising up your hand, smiling. She looks up from all the chaos in her kitchen and smiles. "Finally, some help." She sighs in relief. You laugh, shoving Zayn and Danny out of the way as Zayn shows him his latest tattoo. He pulls you in for a kiss quickly, mumbling an 'i love you' , before letting you go towards his Mom. "Malik, help your mother. Now." you say looking at Zayn sternly. He groans but walks over to the two of you anyways. "Well, at least he listens to someone." His mother mumbles under her breath, shooting you a smile. "I listen to her cause when we get home she'll-" You elbow him quickly, knowing Zayn never really thinks before he opens his mouth. His mother glances at you two, but ignores it and asks you two to work on the salad for the large family dinner shes having. You two quickly grab the things you need, and as usual Zayn cuts half of the vegetables, leaving you to do the other half, You two always do this when you cook together, it's just habit. "You two are adorable." Mrs. Malik says randomly. Both of you look up, and you blush. "You don't even notice it, but both of you look at each other when the other isn't looking. And get this crazy looking smile." She observes, taking the completed salad and walking to the dining room with it. "My smile is not crazy, Mum!" Zayn shouts, chasing after her.

Niall:  "I have zero idea what to get him." Maura says in her thick accent over the phone. You put the phone in between your ear and shoulder, stirring the pasta you're making for dinner, making sure Niall is distracted int he other room. Sure enough he's sitting on the couch, more focused on his guitar and the Derby game on TV to glance at you. "Well, he is always low on shirts for some reason, but no more white ones, I can't get him to wear any color. And he will wear snap-backs in the shower if I'd let him, so he always wants more of those. Uh, the boys just got him a new guitar for his birthday, so that's out." You try to think about what else Niall would want for Christmas, when Maura speaks. "You know him better than anyone, don't you?" She says, a smile in her voice. You laugh, "i spend enough time with him, so yeah I guess." You say, placing two plates on the table, watching Nialls head perk up at the sound of food coming soon. You roll your eyes at your boyfriend, focusing back on the conversation. "Well, You're his favorite person, so it makes sense." You blush at the compliment. "I think a ticket home to see you guys would be what Niall wants most." You mumble, Niall now entering the room. "Hi Ma." He says into the phone, as he place his hands on your hips, kissing your cheek. "I need new sneakers too." He says, making a funny face, indicating he's heard the entire conversation. "I applaud you for living with my son." Maura jokes. "i deserve an award." You joke back as Niall digs into his pastas, smiling at you.

Harry:  "They just landed." Anne says, after looking at her phone. You look up, all the sudden very excited. He was home, finally. Anne looks just as excited as you to see her son. In the three months that Harrys been gone, you two talked often, and you thought you'd surprise Harry by having her here when he got home. "He's going to be really happy to see you." You say, getting up to unlock your door, knowing he always forgets his key. "Me? I'm just his mum. You, on the other hand are the girl he's in love with. I wouldn't be surprised if he even noticed me." She states, smiling slightly. You blush, "He misses everyone, not just me." You mumble, but the comment makes you happy. "For some reason, I think he misses you most." She says, looking past you. You turn around to see Harry in the doorway, just looking at the back of your head. He looks tired, his sweatshirt rumpled and halfway off his body, revealing his bird tattoos and his clump of necklaces. His face lights up as soon as he sees you, dropping his large brown bag to the ground as you run at him, jumping into his arms. "I love you, I missed you so, so much." he keeps repeating, and you hug him tighter. "Say 'Hi' to your mother." You mumble in his ear, kissing behind it quickly as he sets you down. "Mum!" He runs over to her as well, hugging her tightly and kissing her hair. "Go kiss your girlfriend, I'll wait." She says, pulling up his shirt. "If you insist." He says in his deep voice, grabbing your hand and pulling you into him.

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