123-Sex tape was leaked

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Niall- He begged you, so he could have it on tour, but somehow it was leaked.  You knew the sex tape was a bad idea, but you couldn't tell Niall no. This is exactly what you didn't want to happen, but there is nothing you can do about it now. The took down the video as fast as they could, but it was too late. 

Liam- You couldn't believe that one, your guys sex life was out there for the world to see; and two, you and Liam were the reason for that. You were trying to upload it to the computer, but somehow in the mix of everything you uploaded it online. You tried to delete it as fast as you could but others had already downloaded and shared it.  

Louis- You were devastated. Everyone knows that you and Louis have had sex, but for someone to actually see you guys perform those acts, hurt you. Hate being yelled from every way because they saw the two of you together. 

Zayn- You didn't even know the video was out. It was two weeks after the video was leak when you finally found out. You were shocked and so was everyone else. Even after taking every video down, it still maybe its way around again, even after a couple years.

Harry- You tried to ignore it the best that you could when you were out in public, but it was hard not to. People mocking your moans to Harry. Fans and many others pointing out all of your flaws that they would of never seen if that sex tape wasn't leaked.

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