165-Meeting Your Parents

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Louis: Louis wasn't nervous at all, at least physically he wasn't, he showed every sign of confidence. When you arrived, you knocked on the door and your parents hugged you, and your mum went to hug Louis as your dad suspiciously eyed him up and down. "nice to meet you Mr. Y/L/N" he piped up, knocking away the awkward silence. Your dad hesitated for a second before slightly smirking, shaking Louis' hand firmly and clapping him on the back, "let me tell you kid, I don't know what you're doing but keep it up, my daughter is so happy, she never shuts up about you on the phone!" he chuckles, leading Louis inside. "I hear you play some football? in my day..." your dad rambles on, leaving you utterly embarrassed but your parents were satisfied. 

Liam: "good morning Mr. Y/L/N, nice to finally meet you" Liam says, shaking his hand. Your dad smiles and strikes up a conversation. You smile to yourself in content, and then you hear your mom pulls into the driveway from the grocery store. "that'll be my mum" you say to Liam. He smiles and gets up, following you outside. "Mum, this is my boyfriend Liam" you smile as she hops out of the driver's seat. "nice to meet you Liam, I've heard so much about you." she smiles, pulling him into a hug. "and the same to you Mrs. Y/L/N, let me help you with your bags" he says pulling the trunk to your car open, and grabbing a few bags at a time. "that boy is incredible, keep him" you mum says and you chuckle, grabbing a couple bags and following your perfect boyfriend inside. 

Niall: You all sat down to dinner, Niall easily carrying on a conversation about football and the band with your dad, while your mother remained unimpressed. You glanced at your mum, to find her with a bored expression, bringing out plates of food. Niall takes a bite of the chicken and rice before letting out a satisfied hum, "food's delicious ma'am, simply amazing" he smiles at your mum and for the first time that night she smiles. "thank you dear" she says, winking at you as Niall turns back to your dad. "you've raised an amazing daughter sir, she's my everything" he says, practically pouring his heart out over dinner with your parents. "I'm glad you feel that way son, she's my everything too" he chuckles as they both glance over at you and smile to themselves. 

Zayn: Your parents were very very skeptical about Zayn because of his image in the media. You refused to let them judge him without meeting him in person, getting to know the real Zayn and not 'media bad boy' Zayn. "I don't like him Y/N" your mum says in private. "me niether darlin, hes not right for you and I don't want you with him" you dad says. "dad!" you exclaim. "excuse me, I hate to interrupt but I'm really sorry you feel that way about me, but I want you to know that you're not gonna stop me from loving your daughter, she's my life, my inspiration and without her I don't know what I'd do. I love Y/N sir, and that's all I have to say, I'll be going now, thank you for having me" he says, turning on his heel but before he can take another step, your dad clears his throat, "stop right there boy" he says, "you-you... I've been waiting for that all night, a guy who'll fight for what he loves, and you've done it Zayn, welcome to the family" he smiles, opening his arms for a hug. Zayn smiles and hugs your dad before pulling you into a soft kiss. 

Harry: Harry was incredibly nervous before meeting your parents, afraid they had seen the magazines and tabloids about him being a player. They did. But they knew not to believe the press, and they insisted on meeting him and both your parents immediately fell in love. "lovely to meet you ma'am" Harry says as he hugs you mum, "and you sir" he says shaking your dad's hand. "ahh Styles, I'm telling you my daughter absolutely raves about you" your dad says. Harry chuckles, taking your hand in his, "I wouldn't be embarrassed if I were you, Y/N, I never shut up about you when I talk to my mum" he says and your parents chuckle. He kept them entertained the rest of the night by talking about the band's success, his family, your relationship and at one point, even singing at your mum's request.

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