164-You/He fall(s) Asleep on Video Cha

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Liam: It was nearly 3 am in the UK but Liam had just finished his first concert of the TMH tour and wanted to tell you all about it. Being 10 pm in NYC, he didn't mind staying on Skype for hours on end, and he was so into his tales of the concert that he didn't even notice you half asleep, only nodding and grunting occasional one word responses or hums. As he began to tell you about how one raunchy teen had stripped down in the front row, he glanced at the screen closely, only to find you breathing slowly, eyelids gently shut. He chuckled to himself, and looked on for a few minutes, feeling slightly creepy but he couldn't tear his eyes away from your unconscious figure, missing being next to you when you were in this state. He sighed and whispered a, "good night baby girl" before blowing you a kiss and shutting off his laptop. 

Niall: You two had been away from eachother for 6 months and had managed to Skype at least twice a week. During this week's Skype date, Niall had just finished talking about the Los Angeles gig they just played and now you were talking about your day,ranting on about how your professor has assigned a last minute pop quiz and your co-worker got fired, leaving you to work double shifts. "And my bitch of a boss had the nerve t-" you were cut off by a particularly loud snore from your laptop speakers. You cooed quietly to yourself at your adorable lover before smiling and shutting down the video call, shooting him a quick text saying you loved him and to have a good sleep. 

Zayn: You were away on business, working for your new job in the states for a month. You and Zayn skyped as much as possible and you would be returning home to your lovely boyfriend the next morning. You had had an exhausting day at work, being harassed by clients and threatened with termination by your boss. All you wanted was to lie down and sleep until you had to go home, when Zayn's screen name had popped up on your laptop. As you answered, he immediately launched into an enthusiastic monologue about how management agreed to let you go on the boys' TMH tour. You smiled lazily, laying your head on a pillow and struggling to keep your eyes open as Zayn talked about all the states you'd be visiting in a few months. You dozed off for a minute or two and you were awakened by Zayn's concerned voice. "Y/N?" he asked, worriedly. "hmm?" you hummed, snapping your head up. Zayn chuckled and winked at you, "go to sleep boo, I can't wait to see you tomorrow, I love you" You gave a weak smile, mumbling something incoherent, along the lines of, "love you too" and Zayn chuckled before whispering a goodnight and signing off. 

Louis: Louis had been stressed out on tour a lot lately, missing you, dealing with crazed teenage girls, just wanting to be home. Louis had been a bit distant lately, and the boys were quick to let you know. The next day, you called him on Facetime, and he answered while he was in the recording studio. Zayn was recording a few solos, Niall and Liam went to grab lunch, and Harry and Louis were waiting to record. Louis lazily cooed to you about how much he missed you, saying he loved you, and other things along the lines of, "I almost forgot how beautiful you were". You smiled and started to ask him how the first few concerts were, when you noticed you were looking up at him, leaning on Harry's shoulder. The poor boy was so exhausted, he'd fallen asleep on Harry and dropped his phone. Then Harry's face appeared, "Sorry Y/N, Louis was real happy to see you, but he's just whipped love, I'll have him call you tonight yeah?" he said. You smiled and thanked him, before hanging up. 

Harry: "hey love" Harry sang over video chat. "hi babe" you smiled sleepily. "oh Y/N, i forgot, is it late there?" he asked, expression softening at your exhausted facade. "no no, you're alright Harry, it's fine" you lied, even though it was 2am at your flat. He smiles and races through a story about the award show today, who he met, how he wished you were there with him to win the award and be by his side. He glances up for a second, to find you cuddled up to a pillow, as if it were his body, fast asleep. He couldn't help but sigh in sadness, seeing you curled up into the pillow, the same way you slept when you were in his arms. He let a tear slip before whispering, "i miss you so much babygirl, just a few more months" his voice cracking on the word months, as he smiled through his tears, "goodnight, i love you"

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