60-A fake relationship, with real feelings...

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Liam:  Liam kept rubbing his hands together, and after being around him so much for the past few months, I knew he was nervous. Why, I wasn't sure. We were doing a press-line for the first time as a 'couple'. There were a few of these in my contract, but I wasn't really sure what they were at first. Liam informed me that they're going to ask lots of questions about the new album and such, but I would be a focus too, since I was his brand new girlfriend. I wasn't too worried, this is what I was good at. Acting, pretending to be something I'm not. But lately, my performance is slipping. Every time Liam glances at me, my stomach flips and I silently curse myself for getting wrapped up in a boy who is off limits, which makes every fake kiss that much harder to let go of. "What's bugging you?" I question finally, checking my hair in the mirror before we go out with the rest of the boys and their dates. "The press can be ruthless. And so can some of the fans out there. I..I just don't want you to get hurt. I care about you." He stated, trailing off, looking anywhere but my eyes as he finished his sentence. "I sort of want to keep you to myself so they can't hurt you, and I am being so obvious with how much I really like you right now, aren't I?" He says quickly, accent heavy, now blushing. I cough to clear my throat and my surprise. "You're really the sweetest I person I know. And I really hate being away from you sometimes. And now I'm being obvious too, aren't I?" I ask him, smiling at him as his eyes widen. "So, not fake?" he asks, gesturing between us. "Not for a while now." I admit, blushing. He nods, grinning at me. "Alright Payne, come protect from the bad men with cameras." I smile at him, lacing our fingers together, glad it's finally real. "My pleasure." he states, squeezing my hand.

Louis:  "And at three o'clock you two need to be at this coffee shop for some pictures. You guys have gone a week without being spotted, so amp up the 'love' there, please and thank you." You watched your boss and Louis' manager point out your weekly schedule for the week. Louis and you shared a small glance and smirk, knowing you two purposely hid out from all the flashes for a while. He was always annoyed with them, so you two just avoided going anywhere too public, but yet were still in each others company. You both nodded, being summoned out of the office. "I hate those meetings." Louis says as you two walk back to the parking garage. "Work is work." You stated quietly. You cast your eyes downward, knowing how much you wished you never took this job. Being Louis fake girlfriend was fine for a while, and it got the good press the band wanted. But it also took a toll on you. you had no idea you would actually like your blue eyed co-worker. "Yeah. So, coffee shop later for our little photoshoot?" Louis said, and he offered you a small smile. You knew he felt guilty, you being forced to hang out with him. But it was now on eof your favorite things to do. You nodded and smiled at him, waving before heading towards your car. "___, wait!" You turned around at the sound of his voice. "Yeah?" You questioned as he jogged towards you. "Let me take you out on a real date.I hate that the girl I think I'm falling for is getting paid to be around me. I know you like me as well." He smiled, knowing you too well these days. You blushed, grinning slightly. "I will pick up my last pay-check today, and I like Italian food, Mr. Tomlinson." He blushed now, kissing your cheek, before grabbing your hand and leading you back to his car, ready for your date.

Zayn:  "Are you allowed to do that? I mean, what if you get spotted. Then where are we." Zayn asks me, shoving his hands into his black jeans. "I say it was a friend, and you back it up? Why are we making a huge deal out of this." I question as he paces around his flat. I got asked out on a date the other night while out with friends, and I said yes, since technically I was single. And because a certain pop-star fake boyfriend of mine is never going to realize that I would really love for him to hold my hand without a camera around. "Because this is your job! What if management finds out." He says and his eyes are dark. I spend so much time with him lately, I can read him like an open book. his eyes follow his mood. He was currently unhappy, if that wasn't already unclear. I was just confused about why he was so worked up. "You confuse the shit out of me Zayn." I tell him honestly as he sits down across from me. "You confuse me too. Our relationship confuses me. Cause right now all I want to do is punch whoever asked you out, but I can't. Cause you're not mine." Zayns eyes switch from what i figured out now was jealousy, to sadness. I almost laugh because he has nothing to worry about. All he has to do is ask and I'm his. "I could be." I mumble, all the sudden shy around him. "What?" He asks, his head snapping up. Now his tell-all eyes look hopeful. I smile. "I could be. No more pretending. Just us." I say shrugging. "That would be easier than going to hit some guy." He says, smirking at me. I laugh loudly. "I agree." Niall:  I think I've gone through 8 boxes of tissues at this point. I cough again and try to get myself comfortable in bed to sleep a little. Being sick sucks. And it sucks that I had to call my boss and tell him I couldn't go with Niall to the movie premiere because of the flu. I just wanted to be around Niall all the time now, even if what we had was fabricated. I was pulled out of my usual thoughts these days to a knock on my door. Ugh, I have to move. I kept the blanket around me and trudged to my door, swinging it open. "Niall?" I asked, my voice all scratchy. He grinned, and held up what looked like some movies and a can of soup. "They told me you were sick, so I thought this may make you feel better." I blinked at him, coughing in the silence. "That is incredibly sweet

Niall." I said, smiling at him as a light blush hit his cheeks. He shrugged. i quickly took a glance at my clock as I widened the door for him to come in. "Wait, you're supposed to be at the premiere right now." I said, turning to him. "Some things are more important. And to be honest I was a bit peeved you wouldn't be there. So I came here. The boys understood." He explained. I nodded, unsure as to why a celebrity event was lower on his priority list than me. "You were angry cause I wouldn't be there?" I questioned. He nodded, blushing again, staring at his Supras. "I was mad cause I wasn't going to see you today." My mouth confesses before my brain can stop it. "We seem to like being around each other then." Niall says, pointing out the obvious. I nodded, blushing. "More than the contract states." I say, making him blush. "I would really like to give us a try then. No contracts allowed." I bit my lips, trying to stop from smiling too wide. "I would like that." I say, not feeling so sick anymore.

Harry:  I shoved through the cameras that always seemed to be near me now, trying to get to the ER doors. It was around 3 am and I was woken up by some doctor, telling me to please come see Harry in the ER. I had no idea what happened to him, so i hopped into my car still in my PJs and drove as fast as I could. I wish I couldn't say I wasn't worried about him, as I shouldn't care about him...I was just the fake girlfriend. But I needed to see his stupid green eyes and hear one of his crappy stories to know he was okay. I told the nurse at the desk his name and she pointed me towards the room he was in. I walked in, expecting him to be pale on a bed, but there he sat, just blinking at me, his sweatshirt rumpled and a cast on his arm. "I fell down some stairs and can't drive.You look good in plaid, love." He said simply, referring to my pants. "So you called me." I questioned, ignoring his comment about my pants. I half expected to see part of management here, wanting me to help my sick boyfriend hobble to the car for good press. But no, just Harry. Which I was happy about. All I want is just Harry. He shrugged. "They said call a loved one to come get me....and you're the first person that came to mind." I blushed furiously. As usual, Harry sat calm, his eyes watching me closely. "I cried on the way over here, you scared me. I was more worried than a fake girlfriend should be." He grinned sideways at me. "This hasn't been fake for a while for me, ___." He confessed, his voice getting lower. I smiled, touching his apparently broken arm. "Same for me." I mumbled. "I don't like stairs, but I like you." He said, grinning at me, happy with himself. "I worry about you, Harry." I said, unable to hold back a laugh at his stupid joke.

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