Chapter One

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Dear reader, thank you so much for opening this book. I do thank and encourage you to read it. However before you start I suggest you might want to read this is essentially the edited and rewritten book of Fake Family. I do believe you'll find it a lot clearer and hopefully more enjoyable. Happy reading!

"Mommy will be back soon" Sarah Armstrong tucked her youngest child Christian safely into his bed. She placed a gentle kiss on his forehead then stepped back.

"Mommy" Chris whispered clenching his stuffed teddy bear closer to his chest "did I do something wrong again?"

The questions nearly broke Sarah's heart. In his three short years of life Chris had experienced more pain and suffering then anyone ever should in their whole lives. "No baby" she said running her fingers gently through his hair "mommy made a mistake. This has nothing to do with you". Yeah she made a mistake all right. Her mistake was falling in love with Shane Watson ten years ago.

"Sar!" a male voice bellowed from down the hall "hurry up!"

Sarah sighed, she hated being called Sar and Shane knew it. She glanced over at her five-year-old daughter Emma. She was biting her lip and holding back the tears that had formed in her eyes.

"Sarah!" the door banged open, the light from the hall pouring in.

"I was just putting the kids to sleep," she said softly.

"Doesn't look like they're sleeping" Shane stumbled into the room. He had spent most of his afternoon and evening wasting the little money they did have at the bar. "Cant you do anything right?"

"I..." Sarah trailed off unable to even think of the right words to say.

"You what?" Shane took hold of her arm and yanked her towards him. The force was great enough that it cause Sarah to stumble and trip over herself sending her crashing to the ground. The kids gasped but Shane just laughed. "See you cant do anything right, you cant even walk right".

"Don't talk to mommy that way!" Brayden said sitting up in the top bunk of the bed "it's not nice". At only age seven he had a lot of guts.

"Oh really?" Shane stumbled towards her "maybe I should be talking to your sister that way" he grabbed hold of the little Emma's arm and pulled her out of her bed "this is what the girls in this family deserve anyways".

Brayden gasped and get out of his bed.

"Shane" Sarah pushed herself off the ground. She stumbled for a moment but then made her way to her long time boyfriend and stood between him and their daughter. "Don't you dare touch my child again"?

Shane's eyes grew wide with anger. He grabbed Sarah's arm and pulled her out into the hall.

"Stay in your room" Sarah called to her kids as she was being pulled away.

Shane shoved her into the living room "don't you dare disobey me in front of the kids" he growled.

"Or else what?" Sarah stared at him. She was used to the way Shane treated her, it was the same thing every time he got drunk. He would start off complaining, which leads to screaming and finally he would use his fists.

Shane smirked and walked across the small living room "lets see how big and bold you are now" he lowered his grandfather's gun off the wall. Sarah hated the thing. She hated that Shane insisted they hang it for display. She hated what it stood for, killing and evil.

"That things nearly a eighty years old" she stepped backwards "it doesn't have any bullets in it".

"Want to bet?" Shane smirked stepping closer.

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