Chapter Eight

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"Hello there, Dorothy" Andrew, dressed in an emerald green suit walked up behind Sarah.

Sarah jumped a little and dropped the basket she was holding. It was Halloween night and Sarah was dressed in a checkered blue dress, her hair in braids and ruby red heels. "You're the wizard?" she asked looking Drew up and down.

"I said we would be doing a family costume. Brayden is the tin man, Emma the scarecrow and Chris is the lion".

"I know that's what you said but I never actually thought we would go this far" Sarah said.

Drew chuckled "you have yet to see how far my family will take this" he grabbed the basket "ready to go? The driver is downstairs waiting".

Sarah nodded "the kids are all ready to go" she said. Sarah walked over to the TV and shut it off "okay kids time to go" she lifted Chris into her arms.

"Candy time?" Emma asked jumping up. She grabbed hold of Andrew's hand and together they all walked down to the waiting car.

"Soon baby girl" Andrew smiled and opened the car door for his family.

"So what's the plans for tonight?" Sarah asked settling into her seat.

"Pretty simple. There will be activities and crafts for the kids, there is finger food for the adults and just a little bit of business".

"Just a little?" Sarah asked. She hadn't seen Drew in action yet but she knew from reading books and watching movies that usually a little business meant a lot of business.

Drew chuckled "you know me too well dear. I will try to keep it quick I promise" he leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Is this the house?" Emma asked looking out the window as they pulled into the driveway of a large mansion.

"It is" Andrew frowned "you don't recognize it? Haven't you been here before?"

Emma opened her mouth to say something but Sarah cut her off "she has, but that was a while ago. I'm sure she was just too young to remember it".

Drew nodded and stepped out of the car.

Slowly Sarah followed after him. She looked up at the house nervously. It was much bigger then she expected and with it all lit up it looked like a castle.

"Oh my gosh you came!" Josie came rushing out of the house with a puffy pink dress on and a large silver crown on top of her head. She pulled Sarah into a tight hug. "I am so glad you all made it".

"Grandma" Emma tugged on the woman's gown "are you a princess?"

Josie smiled "actually I am a witch".

"A witch?" Emma frowned and looked at the older woman in confusion "but you are pretty".

"Not all witches are ugly with a long pointy nose and warts" Josie kneeled down and talked to Emma softly and kindly. "Some witches such as Glinda the good witch of the north are actually very nice".

Sarah gasped, "You're Glinda from the Wizard of Oz!"

"And I!" Marissa posed in the doorway with a sexy black dress, stripped stockings and a pointed hat "am the wicked witch!"

Sarah couldn't help but laugh at that. Of course Marissa wouldn't just be any witch, she had to be a sexy witch.

"And of course I have my flying monkey" Marissa pulled Ben outside with her. He was dressed as none other then a flying monkey.

Sarah couldn't help but laugh at that. The whole family didn't just dress up for Halloween but they dressed up in something that would match. Sarah never had a family like that; she never had someone who would be willing to do something sweet like dress in matching outfits.

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