Chapter Two

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"The doctors said you could hear me. I hope that's true" Sarah reached out and took hold of Andrew's hand. When she was released from the hospital for her minors cuts and scrapes she had first gone to check on her children in the daycare center then went to check on the young man who had saved her.

After Shane had run out the police and paramedics had arrived. The police had chased after Shane and were still on the search for him. The paramedics had rushed her savior off in the ambulance. They explained to her that the bullet injury was considered just a flesh wound but the real concern was the head trauma.

They had operated to stop the internal bleeding and he had a bad concussion. It was a matter of waiting till he woke up to see just how bad it was.

His family was on their way but until they got there Sarah had decided to wait with him.

"I'm Sarah. You saved my life" she spoke gently. "If you hadn't come when you did I could have died. And I don't know what would have happened to my children". Sarah smiled and leaned her porcelain cheek against their conjoined hands.

"My children" she sighed happily "they are wonderful kids. Brayden is the oldest of the three. He's seven years old. He's all into the sports now, baseball, basketball and even hockey. He wants me to sign him up for a baseball team but I could never afford it, and even if I could I don't know if I would want him to join. Sports are so dangerous. He could get hurt". Sarah couldn't help but think about how badly her son needed a male role model. Someone who would play ball with him and learn everything else fathers would teach their sons.

"Then there is Emma" Sarah said "she's my only daughter so she's kind of like the princess of the family. She's already five years old. I can't believe how big she has gotten. She was born premature, over a mother early and was just so tiny. It took her a while to grow but now she is just as big as the other kids. She loves to play with her dolls and she loves to have tea parties. I know we may not have much, she only has three dolls, she has so much fun with them".

Sarah moved on to talk about the baby of the family "Christian is my baby boy at age three, but we all just call him Chris. He has a stuffed pig that he takes everywhere with him. He still sucks his thumb and I know he shouldn't but it is just so adorable. He's adorable".

Andrew moved around in the bed a little tossing the covers off. Sarah reached out and tucked the covers back around him. She was hoping he would wake up soon.

"Every night I would read the kids a Franklin the turtle book. Chris loves the one when Franklin gets a baby sister, and Brayden's is when Franklin learns to ride a bike". Sarah smiled thinking about their family traditions but then frowned "but I never could teach Brayden how to ride a bike... we don't even own a bike".

Sarah couldn't help but think about all the things her children were missing out on. All the things they haven't gotten to experience because she couldn't afford it or they didn't have time. And that made her feel horrible, she felt like she wasn't good enough, like she wasn't a good enough mom. The kids deserved so much better then what she had to offer.

"Who are you?" a female voice asked from behind Sarah.

Sarah spun around and found an older woman with a lavender colored suit on holding on tightly to a leather handbag. Her hair was brushed back perfectly with her gentle curls framing her face. She had on what appeared to be a diamond necklace. Everything about this woman screamed well off.

Quickly Sarah stood and walked over to the doorway "I'm Sarah Armstrong" she held out her hand.

The woman took hold of Sarah's hand and gave it a firm and warm handshake. "Ah so you must be the woman that my Andrew stepped in to help out. I'm Josephine Cavanaugh. But most people just call me Josie".

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Sarah smiled.

"Josie" an elderly man in an Italian suit joined them in the doorway. "Who are you?" he looked at Sarah and frowned.

"This is Sarah Armstrong dear" Josie said linking arms with her husband.

"Oh so you're the reason m son is in the hospital".

"William!" Josie gasped "that is no way to talk to someone, much less someone who Andrew was willing to risk his life for to save".

"But that's just it Josephine. He could have died. Then where would we be?" at first Sarah thought it was sweet, the dad was worried about his son. But then he continued to talk "if he died Frameworks wouldn't have a CEO. He is running a worldwide billion-dollar company. We can't afford to lose him".

So it wasn't about concern for his son, but instead was about his concern for his company and money.

"I'm going to go" Sarah mumbled.

"I think that'll be for the best" William said.

Sarah turned to Josie "when Andrew wakes up will you thank him for me please?"

"Of course" Josie smiled.

"Hmm" a groan sounded from across the room. All three set of eyes shot over to Andrew. He was tossing and turning a little in the bed, let other groans out.

"He's waking up" Josie smiled and rushed over to her sons bed.

"I believe it is time for you to go now. This is a family matter" William followed after his wife, but at half her speed.

Sarah stepped out of the room and closed the door tightly behind her. But she stayed and leaned up against the door listening in to what the family was saying within the room.

"Andrew baby" Josie reached out and took her sons hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"M-mom?" Drew stuttered before forcing his eyes to open.

"I'm here baby," Josie said lifting his knuckle to her lips and kissing it gently. "I was so worried about you. How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts..." Drew groaned. He looked around the room as if searching for someone. His eyes landed on his father for a second too long.

"Don't you worry about a thing Andrew" William said, "I've already phoned in to the office. Most of your meetings got pushed back for a few days. And I'm heading in later to meet with the people from Tokyo".

Drew nodded his head but that just caused him to groan out in more pain. His head was pounding like a rock and roll drummer.

"I'll call the nurse dear" Josie said pushing the call button. "And how about some water? It may help settle your stomach a little". She reached for the water pitcher on the table and pours him a glass. "Here let me help you sit up". She wrapped her arms around his chest and helped him slide into a sitting position. She helped Drew take a few small sips of the water.

When he was finished with the water he went back to looking around the empty room.

"Is something wrong dear?" Josephine asked gently stroking her son's chocolate brown hair.

"Yeah" Drew frowned "where's Sarah and the kids?"

"Sarah and the kids are just fine." Josephine said smiling. She had such a sweet son; more concerned about the woman he saved then about himself.

"But shouldn't she be here?" Andrew asked.

"She got checked out by the doctors. They Okayed her. She is perfectly fine baby".

Drew nodded and sighed in relief "I am so thankful to hear that".

"She said to tell you thank you for protecting her and the kids" Josie smiled proudly at her son.

"Of course I would protect her," Drew said frowning "she is my wife after all".

"Your... your wife?" Josie asked confused.

"Now son that isn't a very funny joke".

Drew frowned even more and looked back and forth between in parents with a confused look on his face. "Sarah is my wife. And Brayden, Emma and Christian are my children".

Picture is Andrew

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