Chapter Four

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"Mom why do we have to dress like this?" Brayden asked as Sarah smoothed out his light blue dress shirt.

"Because your new daddy is coming home today" Sarah moved on to Christian and smoothed down his hair. The cowlick in the front always found a way to pop back up no matter what Sarah did to keep it down.

"Will he like us?" Emma came skipping out of her room. Believe it or not but Ben had done pretty well with the kids toys. He got Brayden everything Avengers, from the toys to the bedding, everything matched. As for Chris he got mainly Thomas the tank engine, which was okay but soon he would grow out of those kiddie things.

Emma was most excited. She had never had her own room before and Sarah must admit the Barbie theme Ben chose was pretty damn good.

"Of course he will like you" Sarah kneeled down in front of her daughter and straightened out the little girls cotton candy pink dress. "He already loves you. He is your daddy after all".

Emma nodded but looked down at her feet. Each of the kids looked nervous in their own ways. Although Brayden was the oldest Sarah could see the fear and worry in his eyes. He longed for a father more then any of the other kids. They had a little time before Drew came home and instead of standing around waiting Sarah decided to take not only the kids minds off it but also her own.

"Who wants to bake some cookie?" Sarah smiled and walked into the kitchen. The penthouse was a pretty open concept the bright kitchen connected to the sunken in living room. There were four bedrooms on the same floor as the kitchen and living room but there was also a small staircase that leads up to the loft. The loft that Sarah will be sharing with Drew tonight.

"I do!" Emma cheered and jumped up and down happily.

"Me!" Chris clapped his hands together.

Sarah smiled and looked at Brayden, he may have been shy about it but he loved cookies. And at a time like this he needed the comfort food. He gave a slight nod of his head and followed his mother into the kitchen.

"So what cookies shall we make?" Sarah smiled already knowing the answer. Each of her children was different and of course that meant each one liked a different type of cookie. For Brayden it was chocolate chip, Emma preferred oatmeal and for Christian it was shortbread all the way.

"What cookies does new daddy like?" Emma asked. She was elbow deep in oatmeal dough, mixing it between her fingers.

"I don't know sweetie," Sarah said biting her lip. She didn't know anything about her 'husband'. The only thing she knew about him was that he was a millionaire. She also knew what she read in the newspapers or magazines, but really how reliable were they? Newspapers were always depicting Drew as the classic rich boy with fancy cars and hot models on his arm. They claimed that he didn't think about anyone but himself. Sarah didn't know if this was true or not but from what she saw the other night he must be a good man. Why else would he rush in to help her?

"You'll have to ask him" Sarah slides the next tray of cookies into the oven.

Christian let out a shrike then a giggle. Sarah gasped and looked at the bag of flour that exploded all over the floor. Chris looked up at her "oops" he said.

Sarah shook her head and got down on her hands and knees starting to clean up the spilled flour.

"Something sure smells good in here" a male voice said from the doorway.

Sarah gasped and jumped up from the floor, knocking her head on the counter in the process. "Shi-zzle" Sarah said rubbing her forehead. "You're home early".

"Yeah traffic wasn't as bad as I thought it would be" he limped over to the kitchen and leaned against the counter. "Are you alright?" concern filled not only his voice but also his eyes. That was rare for Sarah to see. Her friends and even her own family would sound concern, but the concern never seemed to meet their eyes.

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