Chapter Six

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"So Halloween is coming up soon" Drew had is hands elbow deep in soupy sink water as he cleaned up the messy dishes from breakfast. Today they were able to get the kids out the door without rushing around.

"What about it?" Sarah stacked the dishes on the counter for Drew to wash. Ever since yesterday afternoon things had grown awkward between the couple. After arriving home from the zoo Drew had taken Sarah to his bedroom. They spent most of the afternoon tangled in each other's arms, stealing kisses and moaning each other's names.

Sarah hadn't expected that they would move that quickly, and now she was starting to regret it. She felt dirty. She had slept with a near random man. The last time she had done that she ended up pregnant with Brayden, and look where that led her. Living with an abusive boyfriend and being unable to take care of herself and her children.

"Well what are we going to dress up as?" Drew leaned against the counter and looked at her.

"We?" she looked at him confused. The last time she ever dressed up was when she was eleven and she had gone trick or treating for the last time.

"Yes we" Drew smiled "we have to have a costume for us and the kids. We have the big Halloween party to go to".

"Halloween party?" Sarah frowned "what are you talking about? What party?"

"My mom didn't tell you?" Andrew sighed, "this year my office is having a Halloween party. We used to have it all the time but my dad canceled it. I started it back up this year; I thought the kids might like it. I know its last minute and not a lot of people may come but it'll still be fun".

"What does this party entail?" Sarah grabbed a wet cloth and started to wipe the kitchen table clean.

"Nothing bad" he said "a few families from the office who have kids will be going over to my parents house. Everyone will be in costumes and we will wine and dine, there will be some crafts for the kids then around seven we will go out in groups and go trick or treating".

Sarah nodded and thought about it. It would give the kids a chance to meet other kids their own age. And it will certainly beat having to spend the whole night with just Drew.

"My dad promised that it'd be all about the kids. Very little business and a whole lot of fun" Andrew smiled "come on you know you'll enjoy it".

"Okay you might be right" Sarah smiled "it'll be good for the kids. They may enjoy it".

"A night of fun with other kids and getting lots of free candy?" Andrew chuckled "of course they will enjoy it!"

Sarah couldn't help but smile at that "I suppose you're right".

"Honey I am right most of the time" Andrew flashed her one of his award winning smiles.

"Oh and your modest too" Sarah laughed a little and shook her head.

"You know it!"

"I also know" Sarah said walking out of the kitchen "that I agreed to meet your mom for coffee and if I don't leave now then I am going to be late". She climbed up the stairs to her bedroom and threw open the closet door. After yesterday she wanted to make sure she was wearing the right outfit. Wearing something that when wet wouldn't show the whole world her body.

Sarah picked out a pair of black tights, a knitted deep purple long sleeve baggy shirt and knee high black boots. She added a silver locket and threw her hair up into a bun. She was cute and comfy today.

"Okay!" she called running down the stairs "I'm leaving now".

"Bye babe" Drew came out from the kitchen to give Sarah a kiss goodbye. "I'm heading in to the office today. I will be home right before the kids".

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