Chapter Five

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"Sarah" Drew gently shook Sarah's shoulder "Sarah we fell asleep. Its morning".

Sarah's eyes flew open "what time is it?" she quickly sat up. All three kids were curled up on the floor fast asleep.

"It's a quarter to eight".

Sarah gasped, "We need to go! The kids have school and I don't want them to be late". She got up and shook the kids awake "come on guys. Time for school".

Yesterday Josie had called to inform Sarah she had signed both Emma and Brayden up for a local private school. One of the best in the state she said. And she had even signed Christian up for a preschool. It was never too early to start the children's education.

"I'll get Christian dressed, you get Emma". Before Sarah could protest and say she could do it on her own Andrew already had Chris in his arms and was heading to his bedroom.

"Come on honey" Sarah said heading to Emma's room. "What shall we wear today?" she went through all the new clothes that Marissa had picked out for Emma.

"That" Emma said when Sarah had grabbed a pair of black tights and dark red knitted sweater.

"Great choice" Sarah said and helped her daughter get dressed. She slipped black Uggs on her daughter's feet. She quickly brushed the small girls strawberry blonde hair into a high pony and added a red ribbon just for a splash of fun.

"The boys are ready" Andrew called.

Sarah walked out with Emma. The kids were dressed and even Andrew had put on a new pair of jeans and another button up shirt.

"You go get changed and I'll bring the car around front to get you," he said. Sarah rushed off to her new bedroom to get a change of clothes. She paused looking around. She hadn't taken the time to look at the room. Not really look at it. It had a huge queen size bed in the center of the room. Two matching chestnut brown bedside tables. On the far right side were two overstuffed lazy boy chairs that could look out the window at the city. Across from the bed were a large TV and surprisingly two bookshelves on either side. It actually surprised Sarah at how clean and put together the room was.

She quickly tossed on a pair of black skinny jeans and a light blue blouse. She tucked the blouse in then pulled her hair up into a messy bun. She slipped on a pair of black high heel boots and added the gold watch for safety. Now she was ready for the city to see her.

"Okay kids let's go" she quickly helped the kids into their new jackets and then ushered them into the elevator. Andrew had the car pulled up in front of the building and helped her load the kids up.

"That was one hell of a morning" Andrew sighed leaned his head back against the car seat.

"Yeah it was" they had just finished dropping the kids off and Sarah was thankful for some alone time.

"And now we are all alone" Andrew smiled over at Sarah. She couldn't help but blush. Why would he want to be alone with her?

"You know what?" Drew opened the car and got out. Sarah frowned in confusion and followed him out. "Lets go on a date".

"A date?" Sarah asked. She hadn't been on a date in nearly three years.

"Of course" Andrew smiled "we have a free day together. No kids and no work. So today is a date day". He led Sarah down the street.

"Where are we going?" she asked after a few minutes of walking.

"Here" Drew stopped in front of the gates to Central Park Zoo.

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