Chapter Thirteen

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"Are you kidding me?" Sarah followed Andrew through the house the next day. He straightened his tie and headed to the kitchen to pour him a cup of coffee.

"I know I am a regular joker but I don't know what I am kidding about this time" Andrew chuckled a little and added sugar to the drink.

"You punched a guy?" Sarah put the newspaper on the table. "Its all over the news. And you thought I wouldn't find out?"

"Its not that I didn't think you would find out" Andrew said. "I just didn't tell you because it slipped my mind".

"It's slipped your mind?" Sarah frowned "how does punching someone slip your mind?"

"It was late when Brayden and I got home". After the incident at the ballpark Andrew decided to make it up to Brayden by taking him to an indoor playground and then out to eat dinner together. And they may have stopped off on the way home to get ice cream, but Sarah didn't need to know that.

"Late isn't an excuse for not telling me" Sarah followed Drew to the front door "and where do you think you are going?" she asked.

"I'm not going anywhere we are going somewhere" Drew slipped on his jacket.

Sarah crossed her arms over her chest "I am not going anywhere" she said.

With a sigh Drew grabbed her arms: Sarah I am so sorry that I didn't tell you what happened. Next time, and hopefully there wont be a next time, but I will tell you about it right away".

"Good" Sarah nodded.

"Now will you come with me?" he asked.

"Come with you where?" she asked slowly reaching out for her coat.

"It's a surprise but I promise you will love it" Andrew helped her into her coat and then lead her down stairs.

"A surprise?" Sarah got in the car.

"Yes a surprise".

Andrew drove about a half hour out of the city. Instead of apartment buildings trees, wide-open spaces and beautiful houses surrounded them.

He pulled into a long drive way and parked in front of a three floor beige house with a two car garage. It had a beautiful garden in the front and a large wrap around porch.

"Its beautiful" Sarah whispered stepping out of the car.

"Want to see inside?" Andrew walked towards the front door.

"Can we?" Sarah slowly followed after him.

"We can" Andrew opened the door and stepped inside. 

Sarah gasped and looked around. The floors were a chestnut brown with a golden trim baseboard. The walls were a champagne color with rose pink accents. The furniture consisted of an over stuff coffee colored couch and dark brown tables. There was two golden chairs and stand up lamps.

"Wait..." Sarah frowned and looked around "I know this room".

"Yeah... that's because it's your room" Drew shifted on his feet and looked down at the floor.

"My room?" Sarah frowned.

Andrew sighed and grabbed an old worn down notebook off the coffee table. "I found this a few days ago in a box under our bed".

Sarah reached out and grabbed the book "this is from when I was in college" she said. It was one of her old design books. She had half a dozen of them just stacked around in her things. "This was just one of my idea books" she added.

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