Chapter Seventeen

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'"Thank you so much for watching the kids Josephine" Sarah pulled her hot pink neon winter jacket on. She tied her knitted scarf tightly around her neck. The weather had gotten pretty chilly in the last couple weeks since Thanksgiving time. "Now you kids be good for grandma," she said kissing both Emma and Chris's head and ruffling Brayden's hair.

"Why isn't daddy watching us?" Emma asked confused. Sarah had been telling them for the past couple weeks that Andrew was away on business. She was hoping they could have fixed things by now – maybe not go back to how things were before, but at least to the point where they could talk and Andrew would visit the kids. But after weeks of no contact at all it was about time Sarah needed to talk to her kids about him not coming back.

"Well baby girl" Sarah kneeled in front of Emma "you see... your daddy... well he..." she didn't know what to say to the little girl. How does she explain to a little girl that the man who isn't her daddy - but the man she considers her daddy - isn't coming home again.

Josephine laid her hand gently on Sarah's shoulder "you better hurry dear, you don't want to miss your appointment. I'll talk to Emma and the boys about what's going on".

Sarah shook her head "I should be the one to tell them".

"Then you can do it when you get back. Everything will be fine here for an hour. Go check on your baby".

She nodded "okay thank you Jose".

"You're welcome, now get going".

Sarah sighed and lowered herself into one of the uncomfortable plastic waiting chairs. She grabbed an old magazine and started to flip through it. She hadn't expected to be sitting in the doctor's office alone. Weeks ago she allowed her mind to think that for the first time she would be going to appointments with her babies father.

"How far along are you?" a woman in her mid thirties sat down next to Sarah.

"Oh, I'm only three months, this will be my first ultra sound" Sarah replied "what about you?" she asked looking at the woman's round belly.

"I'm eight months, almost time to pop" the woman laughed a little "I'm Veronica".

"Sarah" she smiled and shook the woman's hand.

"Is this your first?" Veronica asked.

Sarah shook her head "my fourth actually, but it'll be my first with my... second husband". In truth she didn't know what to call Andrew anymore. They weren't married, they never had been but they also weren't anything to each other either. They were having a baby together after all.

"Oh? Will it be his first?"

Sarah nodded, which caused the woman to look around confused "why isn't he here with you? I would have thought that he would want to be here for his first child's ultra sound".

"Well it's only the first ultra sound" Sarah tried to make an excuse "I mean next time he will be here when the appointment is more important".

The door to the office banged open causing the cold wind to fill the room. Sarah was more focused on the woman she was talking to then the person who was walking towards her.

"Sarah?" a husky male voice said, the person stopping in front of her.

"Looks like it is pretty important to him," Veronica whispered to Sarah before slipping way.

"Andrew?" Sarah asked confused looking up into the eyes of the man she once called her husband "what are you doing here?"

"It's the first ultra sound" concern filled Andrew's face "I didn't miss it did I?" he asked worriedly.

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