Chapter Ten

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"Oh Andrew this is far too much" Sarah looked at the fancy French restaurant that Andrew had pulled up to.

When she had gotten home from picking up the kids she found Andrew home early and talking to her mother. She tried to ask him about their talk but he had just excused himself to his office. An hour later he emerged and announced they were going for dinner.

Now here they were in front of an expensive and over the top restaurant.

"They have the best seafood in the city here" Andrew stepped out and walked around the car to her side.

Sarah clenched her stomach. She wasn't pregnant she knew she wasn't. But what if she was? Was she still willing to risk it? What if there was a baby? She really shouldn't have any seafood.

"Oh well" Sarah stepped out of the car after Drew opened the door "I don't know. I'm not very big on seafood".

"It'll be worth it I promise" Drew wrapped his arm around her waist and led her into the building. "Two for Cavanaugh" he smiled at the hostess.

Sarah gasped and looked around at the place. It was so beautiful. Large glass windows took up most of the wall. Chandlers hung from the ceiling. And each table was complete with flicking candles.

"You look beautiful Sarah" Drew looked her up and down. Her white and sliver cocktail dress shimmered in the candlelight. And her chocolate brown hair was pulled up in a high ponytail. Her jewelry was elegant but simple silver.

"Thank you" Sarah blushed.

"Right this way" the hostess led them to a table in the front corner. Two large windows were on either side of them, which allowed Sarah to get a clear view of the full moon.

Andrew pulled the chair out for her. Sarah tucked her dress in and sat down.

"How was work today?" Sarah asked opening her menu.

Drew sighed "everyone is on me about my project. I have unveiled it December first. But I have no idea what I am going to do".

"What did your dad do?" Sarah asked taking a sip of her water.

"He bridges a partnership between us and Asia. Thanks to him we have a Frameworks company in Japan and China". Andrew sighed again "he expanded our company to world wide and I have no idea what I want to do".

The waiter walked over "can I interest you in some of our best champagne?" he held up the bottle for Drew to inspect.

Andrew nodded his head and the waiter served them both a flute of champagne. Drew took a sip and smiled "smooth. Try some babe".

Sarah looked at the drink "oh um no thank you. I'm not much of a drinker," she said.

Drew raised his eyebrow "so it wasn't you I saw downing red wine at the Halloween party?"

Sarah blushed a little, which cause Drew to laugh. "So what are you getting?" she asked wanting to change the subject.

"It's a surprise" Drew smirked "but I promise you'll love it".

"Your dinner is served" the waiter placed a plate in front of each of them.

Sarah looked down at the food. It was a plate of fettuccine noodles, with a cream cheese sauce piled high. Slowly she took a bite.

"What's in this?" she asked. She could taste something a little fishy.

"Pasta, sauce and shrimp".

Her hand flew up to her mouth and she ran off to the bathroom.

"Sarah!" Drew called and ran after her.

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