Chapter Three

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"I had a feeling you would be here" Josie Cavanaugh lowered herself down on the daycare center's playmate next to Sarah.

Sarah was sitting cross-legged on the floor helping Christian make a block tower. "Sweetie can you find some more blocks? I think we can make this tower even bigger" Sarah said sending Chris off on a mission for blocks would give her and Josie a chance to talk.

Once Christian was out of earshot Josie turned to Sarah "I know you heard what Andrew said".

Sarah sighed, "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was just worried, I wanted to make sure Andrew was okay".

"I know dear" Josephine reached out and gave Sarah's hand a squeeze "I don't blame you for listening in. in fact I'm thankful for it. That means I wont have to sound too crazy when I talk to you about this".

"Talk to me about what?" Sarah asked.

"About Andrew thinking you are his wife".

"Ah there you are" William said walking over to the two women. "I've been looking everywhere for you".

"We've been here the whole time," Josie said smiling.

"Well the docs want to speak with us" William said crossing his arms over his chest.

Josie stood up "of course" she dusted off her pants and walked over to her husband. But when he stayed planted where he was she looked at him confused. Why wasn't he leaving?

"All of us" he said through gritted teeth "the doc wants to speak with all of us".

Josie nodded in understanding. She held out her arm to Sarah "come on dear" she smiled.

But Sarah just shook her head "I have to stay here with my kids" she said. It was a lame excuse, but it was the only excuse she had.

"I'm sure it wont take long" Josie smiled weakly. It was clear to see this whole thing was hurting her. Sarah's heart couldn't help but reach out to her. She knew what it felt like to be a mother and have no power to protect your child. Andrew was hurt but in some ways so was Josephine. Her son had been hurt and she couldn't keep him safe, nor could she make him feel any better now.

Without saying anything Sarah nodded and got up. She silently followed the older couple to one of the doctor offices.

"Welcome" a senior doctor sat behind his desk with files and books spread all across the tabletop. "Please take a seat'.

"What's wrong with my son?" William demanded. Josephine and Sarah both took a seat in the overstuffed chairs but William remained standing, glaring down at the doctor. It was as if he stood taller then the doctor then he was more powerful then him.

"Well we have fun some test and it appears as though Mr. Cavanaugh has simply lost his memory" the doctor explained.

"Simply lost his memory?" William scoffed "he did not simply lose his memory. Not if he is living in some alternative world where that woman over there is his wife".

The doctor sighed a little "we talked to Andrew and from what I can gather whatever you said to Andrew during his unconscious state Ms. Armstrong he took in and believed what you were saying. In his own way he took in what you said and made it into his own thoughts and memories".

"What did you say to my son?" William demanded glaring down at Sarah.

"I..." Sarah trailed off and looked down at her lap. She twisted her hands around. "I just told him about my kids, what they were like and stuff like that. I didn't think it was anything bad".

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