Chapter Four.

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Chapter Four.


This had to be a joke. This could not be his house

Was I being Punk'd?

I tried to swallow, but my mouth was suddenly so dry that the action seemed impossible. Michel was watching me with concern.

"Jem? Are you ok?" He reached back and placed a hand on my shoulder. The skin in that area began tingling with pleasure at his touch.

"This isn't really your house, right?" I asked weakly.

"Not exactly," he said slowly. "I mean, technically, yes. I own it. But, Richard also lives here. With some of our other...friends. And all their families."

Relief flooded me. "That's...better, I guess. Why, though?"

Michel made a weird face then, as Richard locked gazes with him and gave a barely-noticeable shake of the head. His expression darkened.

"It's...look, I'll explain everything later." He faced me again. "By everything, I mean everything. Let's go inside first."

I nodded, feeling confused but also curious. We got out of the car and Richard ran ahead into the house, while Michel and I walked side by side down the long driveway. There were six cars parked there, each one more beautiful than the last. My gaze trailed their sleek, vibrant colors, and I swear, my mouth started watering.

Michel caught a glimpse of my expression and smiled. "Are you a fan of expensive cars?" he asked, amused.

I feigned offense. "Expensive? No. Nice? Yes. I'd take a Mazda CX-7 just as soon as  Porsche."

To say he looked shocked was an understatement. " do you know about cars?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's not that uncommon, ok? Girls can be into cars, too."

Michel's eyes were shining. "You're amazing."

For some reason, such a simple comment made my heart race. A smile stretched my face. "Thanks--"


A blonde blur suddenly raced across my vision, attacking Michel. Some skinny Barbie had her arms wrapped around his neck, basically straddling him. Michel's arms were poised mid-hug, as if he had started to catch her and then stopped.

His surprised expression became dark and angry. "Lacey, get the hell off me."

The blonde jumped off but kept her hands on his shoulders, hurt furrowing her eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

He glared at her, shrugging her hands off of him. "You can't touch me anymore. I've found my mate."

Her eyes widened to the size of plates. "What? Who?"

Suddenly, she saw me standing beside him. I saw her eyes rake over me, taking in my tiny frame, especially compared to Michel's towering figure. Her gaze swept over my unbrushed hair, rumpled clothing, and puzzled expression.

And she frowned.

"But Michel, she's hu--"

"Shut up, Lacey," he growled. His eyes flashed angrily.

Her mouth clamped shut, but she suddenly looked like she'd smelled something rotten. With a flick of her hair, she turned on her heel and walked briskly into the house. I watched her go, a sinking feeling in my stomach.

This so did not feel like a romantic comedy anymore.


I watched Lacey go, anger building inside of me. Just when I was starting to get on a good page with Jem...

I sighed and turned to face my mate, who suddenly looked extremely uncomfortable. She was frowning and had her arms crossed, staring at the ground.

"Um, Michel...can I please go now? This is all just getting kinda weird."

I frowned, trying to ignore my growling wolf. He was ready to lunge if she tried to leave. "No, you can't go. I said I'd explain everything. Let's just go inside first--"

"No?" she repeated, her eyes narrowing. "You can't keep me here against my will. That's kidnapping."

I clenched my jaw. This again. "Look, it's not kidnapping. You're my mate--"

"That doesn't mean anything!" she yelled, throwing her hands up. "You being a fucking weirdo who believes in soulmates does not qualify as a legitimate reason for kidnapping someone and holding them against their will!"

I felt my eyes darken with fury. She was the only person in years who was bold enough to try and interrupt me, and I had to clench my fists in order to calm down.

"You know what, I don't care if it is kidnapping, you're not leaving!" I growled through clenched teeth.

For a split second, she looked scared. It was quickly replaced by anger, however.

"Are you gonna stop me?" she demanded.

I gritted my teeth. "I'm not going to hurt you, Jem. But yes, I will stop you."

She was silent, glaring at me.

For a minute, we were both silent.

And then, her expression fell. Her beautiful lips quivered, her warm brown eyes shined with unshed tears. "Please," she whispered. "Just...please, let me go. I won't tell anyone about this."

My heart broke. Hurt raced through me seeing her pain, as well as anger towards whoever had caused it.

Me. I had caused it.

I ran a hand angrily through my hair. This was horrible. I didn't want her in pain, but I also couldn't leave her. There was no compromise.

I, one of the smartest Alphas in the US, was at a complete loss for what to do.


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