Chapter Eleven.

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A/N: PLEASE, comment! (Votes are the least of my concern, but one of the biggest reason I write is to hear what people have to say. Please comment so I know what you guys are thinking!)


Chapter Eleven.


On our way out of the house, John ran up to us, panting.

"Alpha! I'm glad I caught you before you left," he said.

Michel glanced at me, then back at John. "Can it wait?"

John grimaced. "Rogues were spotted on the territory. At least three."

Michel suddenly became extremely focused. His expression was serious, his eyes narrowed. "Did we catch them? Who was on border patrol when they crossed? Where are they now?"

John hesitated, glancing at me. "I was going to suggest a meeting right now...but if you're busy..."

"No, of course not!" I interrupted. "Michel, they need you. Go."

He looked at me, concern lingering in his eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Of course," I smiled. It was forced, but I was hoping he wouldn't be able to notice.

He stared at me for a moment, searching my expression to see if I was lying or not.

Then he leaned down and cupped my cheeks, dropping a sweet, long kiss into my lips. I melted against him, tilting my head as our lips molded perfectly together.

When he pulled away, he pecked my nose and whispered, "I'll try to be as quick as I can."

I smiled, the action strained. "Take your time."

He left with John, throwing me one last concerned look before disappearing.

I let out a heavy sigh. Well now what?

Well...Michel did say some fresh air would do me good, I thought, glancing at the wide open door. And he never specifically said I couldn't leave on my own, so...

As quietly as I possibly could, I slipped out the front door, shutting it slowly behind me. I wasn't surprised to find the huge front yard empty, since the women and kids were eating dinner and the men were all in a meeting.

More room for me, I thought, smiling slightly. I hadn't had this much free space to myself in ages.

I explored the yard. There were a bunch of hedges trimmed into the shape of a maze, which kept me entertained for far longer than it should have, considering I was older than the age of six. A few trees lined the driveway that were specifically made for easy climbing. Somehow, I still managed to fall off every single one.

Dusting myself off, I made my way over to the edge of the woods. They started off pretty open and airy, but quickly grew darker and denser as the number of trees increased. I tried turning around, only to find that I was completely lost.

"Fuck," I muttered. You couldn't complete a kiddie maze, Jem, what made you think you could navigate your way through a huge ass forest?

I sighed and picked a direction that looked vaguely familiar. By that, I mean it had trees.

I must have wandered around for ages before I gave up. Frustrated, I let out an annoyed grunt/scream and threw my hands up.

"Fuck me!"

"Well, if you're offering."

I whipped around at the sound of a voice, almost losing my balance.

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