Chapter Twenty-Five.

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Chapter Twenty-Five


Once the nurse declared I was perfectly fine and didn't need any bandages or anything, they cuffed me and led me down an unfamiliar hallway. I figured I was being taken to solitary.

Instead, they took me to an empty interrogation room.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

The cop cuffed me to the table and made me sit down. "Stay there."

"Like I have any other choice?" I muttered, slinking down into my seat.

The door opened and some guy in a suit walked in. I didn't recognize him, but he had the most gorgeous piercing grey eyes.

"Hello, Courtney," he smiled.

My wolf growled within me. He smelled like a liar. He hadn't even said anything yet, and I didn't trust him.

"Who are you?" I asked, my eyes narrowing.

"That's not important," he said casually, settling down in the seat across from me. He folded his hands in front of him.

"Courtney, I'm willing to give you the opportunity of a lifetime. A miracle, really."

"Yeah?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "Sounds great. Sounds like bullshit."

He smiled wolfishly. "If you do as I ask, I can wipe your slate completely clean. You'd be out of here in days."

He's a liar, my wolf hissed. That's impossible.

I leaned back, watching him carefully. "Uh huh. And what is it that you're asking of me, exactly?"

His eyes twinkled. "All I need is some information on your cell mate, Jem."

I snorted. "Ohh, you must be that FBI asshole she was telling me about. Damon or David or some shit."

His smile tightened. "Derek. It's a pleasure."

"Well, Derek," I said, smiling sarcastically, "I'm sorry to disappoint, but I don't have any information on Jem."

He tilted his head curiously to the side. "Interesting. Tell me, Courtney, you seem like a smart girl. There's something that's really been puzzling me lately. Could you help me out with it, perhaps?"

His tone was overly cheery, extremely fake. He was hiding something.

"You see," he said, leaning forward as if he was telling me a secret, "I have videographic evidence of you telling Jem to 'say hi to Michel for you.' Now, Jem claims not to have any relations to Michel Washington, but yesterday afternoon she told you that she talked to him. How did she do that?"

I swallowed, shifting in my seat. "You sound insane. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Tsk," he said, shaking his head. "Shall I show you the video?"

"Jem is crazy," I snapped. "I don't know what the hell you want me to tell you. She thinks she can talk to him in her mind. She's fucking insane."

"And you humor her?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "No offense intended, my dear, but you don't seem like such a kind soul."

I snarled, then quickly snapped my jaw shut.

Derek looked a little surprised. "Quite a temper you have there. Speaking of, didn't you get into a fight today? You and Jem, in the cafeteria?"

I sighed. "What does this have to do with anything?"

"You protected her," he insisted. "You and her share some type of strange bond. You've only known each other for a few days and--"

I laughed, cutting him off. "Do you have any idea how crazy you sound? 'You share a special bond,'" I said, mocking him by making my voice ridiculously deep. "Look, I don't know what the hell you expected me to tell you. Jem is a little off her rocker. I don't know anything about this Michel guy, just that she thinks she can talk to him through her mind. Like I said, off her rocker."

He was glaring at me now. "Courtney, I know that you know something. How are Michel and her connected? Are they related? Brother and sister?"

Unconsciously, I burst out laughing. "That's disgusting."

Derek looked extremely annoyed. "Why is that--oh." His eyes lit up. "They're in a relationship?"

I shook my head vehemently. "I never said that."

"You didn't have to," he said, smirking triumphantly. "They're together, aren't they? No wonder she became so defensive when I mentioned his name."

His eyes glittered with something malignant.

"I'm willing to bet he's even more protective of her," he said thoughtfully.

I growled softly. "Stay away from her, asshole! I don't know what you're planning--"

"You can go now," he said, standing up.

"Listen to me, if you touch her--" I yelled.

"It was wonderful speaking to you, Courtney," he said, smiling over his shoulder. "Thank you for all your help."



loll...but also seriously...

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