Chapter Nineteen.

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Chapter Nineteen


"Ms Luna Jem, where are we going?"

She turned around, looking at the trees, and then faced forward again. More trees.

"Um...I don't know?" she said. "I have no idea where we are."

She sounded nervous.

"It's ok, I'll call Mom. She knows the woods really good," I said, smiling.

Ms Luna Jem smiled down at me. I felt my cheeks turn red.

"Uh, um." I turned my face away so she wouldn't see my blushing.

Mommy? I called.

Chase? Mom sounded surprised. What is it?

Um, so Ms Luna Jem and I went on a walk, and we got kinda lost--

You what? she screamed. I winced. It hurt. Are you crazy? You went into the woods?!

Just the backyard, I whined. There's nothing back here.

You don't know that, Chase! What were you thinking? What were you thinking, Jem?

Ms Luna's voice suddenly appeared in my head, also. She sounded really sorry.

I'm so so sorry, Cynthia, she apologized. I have no idea what I was thinking. I was just upset. I'm so stupid, I completely forgot--

Just stay right where you, Mommy interrupted. Don't move a muscle, do you hear me? Both of you. I'm coming.

Sorry, I whined.

Sorry, Ms Luna said.

Idiots, Mom muttered, then disappeared.

"She's real mad," I mumbled.

"Chase, I'm so sorry," Ms Luna said, covering her face with her hands. "This is completely my fault."

"It's okay!" I insisted. "It's just woods. I'm not even scared of bugs, you know."

She laughed. "Oh, thank god. Because I'm terrified of them."

"I'll protect you," I said, puffing my chest out bravely.

She smiled. "You're amazing. Thank y--mph!"

Out of nowhere, a man was holding his hand over Ms Luna's mouth, with his other arm grabbing her by the waist. Her eyes were wide as she clawed at his hand, frantically trying to escape his hold.

"Ms Luna Jem!" I gasped. "Let go of her, you jerk!" I insisted.

He laughed. "Get out of here, kid. I don't wanna have to hurt you, too."

Ms Luna managed to move a few fingers away from her mouth. "Chase, run!"

My eyes were huge as I stared at her, my mouth falling open.

"But Ms Luna--"

"Get out of here!" she snapped, looking extremely angry. "Go find Cynthia, right now!"

I flinched. Why was she yelling at me? Why was she being so mean?

Feeling my bottom lip start to shake, I turned around and ran into the woods.

Mommy! Where are you?



"That was a little harsh," the rogue chuckled. "Poor kid looked like he was gonna cry."

"Let go of me, you disgusting asshole," I snapped, continuing to struggle.

He whistled. "Damn. She's got a mouth on her, boys!"


Five shadows suddenly slinked out of the darkness. A group of rogues stood before me, smirking maliciously.

Fuck me.

The rogue suddenly let go of me. I fell to my knees onto the ground.

"So this is Michel's mate?" One of them kicked a patch of dirt, sending it flying into my face.

"Fuck!" I swore, wiping it off. I glared up at him, gritting my teeth. "Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell?"

He grinned. "I like her."

They had formed a circle around me at this point. I couldn't run.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying hard to keep my voice was shaking.

One of the rogues studied me. His shirt was bloody, ripped apart. "I kind of wanna beat the crap out of you, to be honest."

They all nodded their heads, muttering in agreement.

I paled. "O-or? You've gotta have more options that that, right? I mean, come on. That's just a cliche."

He chuckled. "That's true. Alright. Here are your options:

"Number one: We can kill you, and leave you here for Michel to find."

"Ha. As fun as that sounds," I said, my voice cracking, "c-can I hear option two?"

He grinned. "Two: We can turn you in to the cops. They're offering quite a pretty penny for you, did you know that?"

I had goosebumps covering my arms and legs at this point. My eyes were glassy with unshed tears.

"Is that it?" I whispered.

He grinned. "Well, we could always have a little fun with you, then turn you in."

"Option two," I blurted out. "Two, definitely two. Please, I'm begging you." My voice was breaking by the end of the sentence, as I pleaded with him desperately.

He grabbed me by the hair, yanking me upright. I cried out in pain as he shoved his face close to me.

"Give me one good reason I should listen to you," he snarled.

"I-I..." I stammered. "B-because...Michel could be here any second, and if he finds you with me,  he'll rip you apart...?"

I meant it to sound threatening, but it came out sounding more like a question.

He seemed to believe me, however, because he growled and threw me against the ground.

"Fine," he snapped. "But don't even think about trying to tell Michel where you are telepathically. These--" Another rogue behind me suddenly snapped a pair of silver cuffs around my wrists "--are silver. Since he's a werewolf, silver makes him weak. He won't be able to communicate with you while you're wearing them."

"Oh," I muttered weakly. "Great. That's...just...fuck." I closed my eyes, finding it suddenly hard to breathe.

I felt like I was two seconds away from a panic attack.

"If she faints, I'm not carrying her," one of them muttered, snorting with disgust.

"We'll drag her," another commented. "Come on. She's right, we need to get out of here before Michel shows up."

One of them shoved me, grabbing me by the shoulder and forcing me to walk.

Michel? I tried calling out, despite having just been told it wouldn't work. It was worth a shot, after all.

Silence echoed in response.

I sighed. Great.

Just great.



Yeah, Jem's pretty much an idiot.

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