Chapter Five.

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Chapter Five.


He fucking did it.

He forced me into this house. After my initial refusal to come in, Michel had become angry and demanded that I stay. Well, no offense, but I don't care how hot he is--I don't take orders from anyone.

I'd tried arguing, but once it was clear that wasn't going to work, I pulled out the big guns: tears.

For a split second, he looked like he was going to let me go.

Then he called out for some lady to come and "escort" me inside. And I say escort, because her grip on my wrist was like iron. She didn't hurt me, but it was clear that she could if I tried anything.

My short trip upstairs didn't allow me to see much, but I did manage to catch a glimpse of several young kids, a few women, and a couple of guys (all of them just as tall and intimidating as Michel and Richard). They sat around on various pieces of expensive-looking furniture.

I was now convinced, more than ever, that this house was some Mafia headquarters.

The girl led me to a giant bedroom with double doors. Stepping inside, I had to bite my tongue to keep from gasping.

There was a huge king-sized bed in the middle of the room. The closet door was ajar, revealing a walk in area that was about the size of my hotel room. A desk sat in the corner of the room, scattered with papers and maps pinned up on the wall around it. A few shirts were strewn haphazardly around the floor, leading me to one conclusion.

"Is this...Michel's room?" I asked, stunned.

The girl smiled, and it was then that I noticed how young she really was. She couldn't have been more than a few years older than I.

"Of course. He wouldn't want you anywhere else."

I swallowed, the action hurting because my throat was so dry. She probably didn't realize it, but her words sounded strangely threatening.

"Why doesn't he want me anywhere else? What is gonna do to me?" I asked, suddenly feeling really weak. I reached behind me and lowered myself onto the bed.

The girl rushed over to me, looking worried. "Luna? You're awfully pale. Are you alright? Do you feel faint?"

I brushed aside her hand, which was trying to feel my forehead. "I'm just a little dizzy. Probably in shock. Being kidnapped can do that to you," I said accusingly.

She lowered her eyes, looking guilty.

I knew it wasn't right to blame her for my situation, but she still had a hand in it. In fact, this entire house saw me get dragged up here and did nothing to stop it. Fucking psychopaths, all of them.

"What did you call me?" I asked. It had sounded like she'd said "Luna."

She opened her mouth, and then her eyes widened and she snapped it shut. "Oh. Um. Sorry, I must have just...mispronounced your name. My bad."

My eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Is everyone in this house a liar?"

She winced. Suddenly, a sympathetic smile crossed her face. She sat beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I thought about knocking it off, but decided to let her talk first.

"I know you're probably very confused right now...not to mention scared. But, I swear, Al--Michel will explain soon and this will all make sense. I promise."

I ran my hands over my face in frustration. "Soon isn't soon enough!! I deserve the right to know why I'm here, now!"

She frowned. "I'm really sorry. But I don't control him. He'll explain when he's ready, I'm sure." She rubbed my shoulder comfortingly.

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