Chapter Seven.

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Chapter Seven.


She stared at me, her beautiful eyes trusting, her hands holding mine.

I took a deep breath.

"You're my mate," I began.

Her noses wrinkled, but she kept her word and stayed silent, allowing me to go on.

"I'm a werewolf."

She stared at me.


"Okaaaay," she said, stretching the word. "Can you stop joking now, please, Michel?"

I closed my eyes briefly. "If I Shift, will you believe me?"

She pulled her hands out of mine and leaned back in her chair, sighing dramatically.

"Sure, Michel. Shift. Show me you're a werewolf." Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

My wolf growled at her tone. Show her who's boss. Don't let her disrespect you like that.

Shut up, I thought angrily.

I took several steps back. Shifting too close to a human could kill them.

Keeping my eyes trained on her, I crouched down, inhaled deeply, and Shifted.


I have no idea what just happened.

One second, Michel was standing in front of me.

The next, there was a large black wolf in his place.

I screamed, the sound piercing through the air. Jumping back, I grabbed the chair and used it as a shield, holding it in front of me.

"Good doggy," I hissed through my teeth, terrified.

The wolf whimpered, leaning forward and resting it's head on its front paws.

I stared at it, confused. Why wasn't it attacking me?

"M-Michel?" I asked shakily. "Where are you?"

I was hoping, praying, that he would pop his head out from the doorway and yell, "Sike!"

What I wasn't expecting was for the wolf to look up and bark loudly. It did what could only be described as nodding, bobbing it's head up and down.

I stared at it, frozen. Please, please dear god, just let this be a ridiculously well trained, freakishly large dog.

"Michel?" I whispered.

The wolf whimpered, bobbing its head more empathetically.

My jaw fell open.

No. Fucking. Way.

Suddenly, the wolf stood up on its hind legs and began morphing. I watched it's paws extend into arms, its snapping canines become human teeth, its pointed ears move downwards and round into human ears.

Michel stood before me then, naked as the day he was born. His hair was ruffled and his expression worried.

"Jem?" He rushed over and placed his hands on my face. His skin felt warm and human. No fur anywhere to be seen.

"Jem, sit down," he ordered softly. "You're as pale as a ghost. Come on."

Gently, he led me into the chair I had just been using as defense against him. He sat beside me, seemingly unbothered by his nakedness.

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