Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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Chapter Twenty-Nine


"Allow me to repeat the plan once more," Richard said, clearing his throat.

He was standing at the head of a long table in the office. Gathered around were several pack members, Greg, and John.

"First, we send in Anthony as Michel's lawyer. He's fantastic, there shouldn't be a problem bringing Michel home on bail," Richard explained.

A few people murmured in agreement. Anthony nodded, his expression serious.

"Then, we pick up Michel and drive somewhere secluded. Derek will be tailing us without a doubt. Once we get there, Greg and John, you go in for the kill."

Greg and John nodded.

I winced, slumping down in my chair. Everyone was suddenly way too energetic at the mention of killing.

"Won't it be suspicious if Derek dies while he's trailing Michel?" I asked.

Everyone turned to look at me.

I sank even lower into my seat.

Richard sighed. "Unfortunately, that's a variable we can't really avoid. Luckily, the fact that he'll die from animal injuries will keep Michel away from suspicion."

"Who came up with this animal attack idea, anyways?" Some guy I hadn't met yet piped up.

"Yeah, it's brilliant." Another chimed in.

I was blushing furiously.

Richard, I swear if you tell them-- I began.

"Why, that was our very own Luna," he said, grinning. As everyone turned to gaze at me with awe, he winked at me. I glared back in response.

A sheepish smile crossed my expression. "Huh. Yeah, that's me. The murder expert."

Great choice of words, idiot, I thought sarcastically to myself.

Jem, why don't you ever block out your connection? Everyone can hear you, Michel sighed.

MICHEL!!!!!!! I screamed.

Every single man in the room cringed, covering their ears and groaning loudly.

"Um, whoops?" I said sweetly.

Richard was immediately by my side. "You made contact with Michel?"

"Not intentionally," I said sheepishly. "I was kinda...thinking to myself. He reached out to me."

"If he wants to talk to you alone, you need to close your connection," Richard instructed. "Focus only on Michel, nothing else."

"That's all I ever do," I muttered under my breath.

Michel? I said tentatively.

Are you going to scream again? he asked warily. Because I don't think my brain can take it.

No, I laughed, relief hitting me like a tsunami. Sorry. I just got a little excited.

He chuckled. It's fine, I'm used to it. I feel bad for everyone else who heard it, though.

Yeah, I already apologized to them, I said.

Michel's voice lifted curiously. Already? Why is everyone there?

Um. I glanced at Richard. We're sort of in the middle of planning something.

Planning what? Michel said suspiciously.

Project Bust Michel Out and Kill Derek the Asshole FBI Agent, I said excitedly.

Michel surprised me by suddenly sounding extremely angry.

You're planning a murder? he yelled. What the hell? I'm talking to Richard!

Wait, what? No, Michel, don't just--

Richard suddenly flinched beside me. I turned to see his face contorted into a grimace.

I knew right away Michel was screaming at him.

Michel!!!! I yelled. Don't you dare ignore me!! Get back here!

I'm busy, Jem! he growled.

Busy yelling at Richard for no reason? I retorted.

He snarled furiously. Don't defend Richard!

Why not? I demanded. He didn't do anything!

He's having a pack meeting with you!! he snapped, growling dangerously. He's involving you in what is strictly werewolf business, making you an accessory to homicide! Those aren't small things, Jem!

The murder was my idea, you complete fucking idiot! I screamed, nearly popping a vein. And werewolf business? Are you kidding me? This is all my fault, all of this has to do with me!!

Watch your fucking tone, James! he snarled.

I stood up abruptly, banging my hands onto the table. If it wasn't obvious we were fighting before, it was pretty freaking obvious now.


With that, I closed off the connection. It was something I never knew how to do unless I was extremely pissed, which I often was after talking to my idiot of a mate.

I stared back at a bunch of men who were gaping silently at me.

"You want to do save your precious Alpha, do it yourself," I snapped. "If I try and help him he'll only get angrier, because he's a fucking idiot."

And with that, I stormed out of the room.

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