Chapter Sixteen.

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Chapter Sixteen


The day was here.

Michel was ready to leave, as were the rest of the men of the pack. All day, the women had been moping around the house.

Including me.

I felt pretty bad about freaking out on Michel. It wasn't his fault, after all. He hadn't known me when he'd slept with all those women.

The past day, he'd been really busy making sure everything was in place for the attack. We'd barely seen each other.

I missed the idiot.



We had a huge dinner before leaving, because all the wives were freaking out about the guys "keeping up their energy" or something.

Just as we were about to start, Jem surprised me by pulling up a chair beside my seat.

I raised an eyebrow at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, just pass the fucking peas."

I grinned. That's my girl. I knew she was too proud to apologize, but this was good enough.

Passing the plate with one hand, I slung my other arm casually across the back of her chair. Jem shrugged it off, and my heart sank a little.

Then she moved it around her shoulders, pulling my chair a little closer to her.

"If you're gonna your arm around me, put it on my actual shoulders, not the chair," she huffed, avoiding my gaze.

Grinning, I leaned over and pecked her softly on the lips. "Fuck, I've missed you."

She leaned into the kiss, prolonging it, and muttered with her mouth pressed against mine, "Me too. I'm sorry about fighting with you. It was dumb."

"I'm sorry, too," I said honestly. "I'm glad we made up. I really didn't want to leave with you mad at me."

"I'll still be upset," she sighed. "By upset, I mean worried out of my mind. You have to call me every hour or something. Promise?"

I chuckled. "We don't exactly carry cell phones around in our muzzles when we're wolves. If we need to talk, we use our connection." I hesitated. "Um, actually, maybe it's time I explained our connection to you."

"Connection?" she asked, looking skeptical.

I nodded, realizing the eyes of everyone at the table were on us.

"Well, obviously, we're not regular wolves. We're a mythical breed, which is why we're a little stronger. It also gives us certain...abilities," I began. "Things like telepathic communication."

"Telepathic..." she repeated slowly. "Like, in your heads?"

"Exactly," I said. "The connection is strongest between pack members that have a relationship with each other--like mates, or an Alpha and his Beta. Anyone can do it, though. You can have private conversations or address the entire pack all at once."

Her eyes were wide, but it was obvious she was trying to keep her expression under control.

"So, can just talk to Richard in your head? Like, right now?" she asked.

"Yup," Richard said from across the table. "And so can you, actually."

I whipped around to look at him, my eyes blazing angrily. I'd wanted to explain that part to her.

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