Chapter Four: Smoke and Mirrors

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The mongrel trailed a step or two behind me humming softly to herself as we walked through the marketplace. The scent of fresh cooked food mixed with the stench of impurity had my stomach rolling in disgust. Around us the other rats scurried from one rundown stall to the next, collecting items to take back to their hovels and street corners. My wolf snarled every time one of them ventured into our space, knocking me with their foul limbs. I did not have time for this. I had more important things to do.

I had growled at a couple rats in warning already, which had received me several strikes in reprimand for the action from the dirty mongrel.

"My stall is in the next alley."

I snorted to myself in amusement as I came to stop in front of the designated spot, "I should have known...Just like a rat, scurrying around in the dark with the trash." She didn't seem bothered by the remark. Instead she stared into the darkness with interest as if she were expecting something to happen or someone to be waiting.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion just as a feral beast lumbered out of the dark shadows, his fur like rising smoke in the early dawn. Grey on black. A deep, booming growl radiated from his wide chest, his lips pulled back tight as he snarled. His soulless eyes locked onto me and he puffed himself up, the growls growing more percussive, rushing through the air, making me feel them against my skin. He lowered his body and charged. 

My wolf snarled viciously, hackles raised as I squared up to take the brunt of his force. I had a rough morning, being forced to endure the mongrel and not allowing myself to silence her insufferable chatter. I was more than ready to unleash some mayhem and violence in the world.

The little mongrel brought her fingers to her lips, whistling high. I cringed at the frequency of sound as it blasted through my ears. My wolf whimpered his own pain, rubbing his head on his shoulders to rid himself of the ringing. I twisted quickly ready to wring her skinny neck. I had never met a creature as irritating or agitating as her.

The feral had stopped his charge at the sound but the percussive growls still emerged as he turned his angry but slightly empty eyes towards the mongrel. He stalked towards her and my mouth twitched as my wolf pulled his lips back. The dirty little mongrel was his prey and he didn't like sharing. I glanced away, looking for anyone who might be watching. When I could see no one who interfere with me killing the beast, I turned my gaze back to it.

The foul beast was hunched over her, his snout bumping against her face, the force of it moving her around. She didn't seem scared of the disgusting creature but rather seemed to enjoy its presence. As she reached up and scratched under its chin, its tongue hung out of it's mouth as if in enjoyment. The rumbling, percussive growls had turned to pleased rumbles as she reached up and scratched his ear, "Who's my favourite man?" She spoke in strange tones, smiling brightly at the creature. He let out a sound of contentment, leaning into her touch as if he craved the contact she gave him. It was interesting to watch, disturbing and unnatural like her blood but interesting all the same. Like watching bugs under a microscope.

"I brought you something..." She whispered it low and the creature perked up, nudging his face against her stomach, sending her backwards several steps before he nudged his snout towards the satchel hanging from her shoulder. His snout pressed up into her armpit as he tried to reach the satchel. She moved out of his reach and let out a small giggle that made me want to cover my ears to drown it out. The sound was worse than her whistling. I sneered in her direction, eyes narrowed as I watched the two beasts interact with one another.

She shoved at his face as her giggle turned into a laugh. A bright smile crossed her face as she turned around, pushing against his chest with her back as he noisily snuffled at her. She looked tiny compared to his form, he nearly engulfed her in that grey on black smoke of his fur. He gave a rather excited sound as she held up a bone she had taken from the shop she had forced me into.

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