Chapter Nine: Gone Fishing

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I adjusted my welding goggles as I looked through my magnifying glass above my work bench. I was attempting my best to delicately braze weld the brass gears together. I had found some old brass gears in my boxes of random items I had found during my scavenging and scrap hunting. I had needed to keep myself busy since I wasn't taking the chance of going back out to my stall. The last encounter with the goons had been too close to call. I wanted my scent firmly gone for the next few days until those apes fucked off.

I waved my blowtorch over the joint in the gears, fusing them together before I shut it off and set it down. I had managed to use up all of the gears I had found. It wasn't many but it was enough to get a good start on the dragon's body. I pulled my goggles off and stretched, letting out a groan as my tense back protested slightly. I had been bent over for a bit too long.

"Finally back to join reality?" Stinky's snarky voice was not entirely what I wanted to hear at the moment but I ignored him as I rolled my head before rubbing at my neck with a pleased groan. My muscles were tense and I honestly could have gone for a nice hot bath in my cramped little tub. "Do you have to make those irritating noises?" He was gritting his teeth and I could just imagine the bulge my not so little friend was making in his pants.

I felt a smile cross my face as I cleared my throat and gave a perfect rendition of a panting moan. "Please." I made my breathing heavy as I stroked my neck as seductively as I believed I could make it as I continued my perfect rendition of heavy sex breathing. "Revan, please. Harder." I gave another long and low moan at the end of the word as if I had reached my perfect completion that resulted in a choked sound from the male I had just been trying to get to respond. Perfect.

"Don't." The word was growled and I spun around on my chair with a wide grin.

"Every time you tell me not to make a contented groan. I will make a grade fucking A moan with your name attached to it." I touched my tongue to my top lip as I gave him a quick wiggle of my eyebrows. He was breathing heavy, his knuckles white from how hard he was holding his hands into fists. Someone's control was getting a bit frayed. I liked that. I gave him a toothy grin.

"I need to get out of here." He started pacing and I doubt the words were meant for me as he muttered them.

"You are free to leave, stinky." I wasn't requiring him to stay and hover. He seemed to be the one who wasn't willing to leave my sight or have me leave his. If I didn't know any better I would have said he was getting attached.

However stinky never, ever, ever wanted anything to do with a mongrel. I wanted to smirk at that. There were certain parts of Revan the pureblood elitist bastard that certainly did want to get down and dirty with me. I glanced at him, trailing my gaze over his form. He really was a superb looking male. Whenever I looked at him I felt oddly... hungry.

If one looked passed his bitter scent and his hatred for those of lesser blood and his huge ego then he was downright delectable. Someone I wouldn't mind licking up and down for a very long time. He had a body made to be savoured but sadly I knew his taste would be... off. He smelled far too bitter. Even if sometimes that dark cherry whiskey scent sunk deep into me and made me want to pin him down and have my wicked, dirty mongrel way with him.

I looked away from his pacing form and slid off my stool. My stomach was cramping, reminding me that I hadn't eaten for the day. I pulled off my gloves and tossed them onto my welding bench. My belly needed food. I skipped over to the fridge and pulled it open. There was a box of chicken chow mein that I snagged with a low hum of happiness. I adored chinese take out.

I grabbed a fork and started eating as I watched Revan pace back and forth tugging at his hair. He caught me staring and glared at me darkly. "Why the fuck aren't you heading out to the stall?" His pacing became more erratic as he stared at me. I forked another mouthful of chow mein into my mouth before pointing at the window.

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