Chapter Ten: Spellbound

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"MacIntosh has been calling our brothers up into arms. A couple of my friends have said that he even has the support of the alphas... They've been sending in more of their men to help with the cause." I scanned the crowd in the small bar with boredom as I ignored my faithful puppet. He had been playing his role dutifully, supplying me the information that I needed to take back my crown. I was almost all healed up now, other than the stiffness of my muscles and deep ache in my mending bones.

"Well any attempts he has made at contacting Alpha Nezzera have gone flat. That Gaelic wolf is like the wind, you can't catch him. Don't even know where he is." I tried not to sneer at the news. I knew just how difficult Nezzera was to get a hold of. He was a straight pureblood from an untarnished line and he had the warriors. They seemed more like bears than wolves but I knew they were strong, he was a feather in any cap that could catch him. I hadn't been able too. I scoured his mountains for weeks myself and had my men out there for months but he was like smoke. He left no trace behind.

"I think that has a lot to do with MacIntosh raiding out there but I can't prove it. His... penchant for mongrels is... disturbing." Mohan's lip curled as did mine. If he was indeed raiding out there then Nezzera would not answer any of his requests. Trespassers were judged and punished harshly. As I said before, MacIntosh didn't have what it took to rule an empire. His love for his mongrel harem would be his downfall, especially if he was raiding Nezzera's lands for females. I clenched my fists tightly in agitation at the subject.

Channel snuggled into Mohan's side, eyes working over my body. She flashed me a seductive smile, "You're looking a little tense, Revan. Perhaps you need a massage. I'm great with my fingers." The words slipped from her perky lips, dripping in need. She was practically asking me to fuck her. I gritted my teeth, clenching my hand into a tight fist under the table. I would have enjoyed the female's attention if it weren't for the rat and the fact that my body pulsed with need for her, and her alone.

"I can vouch for her skills." Mohan said with a smirk.

The heat of Channel's hungry gaze only made my skin crawl and itch in discomfort. My wolf was pacing back and forth in my head, huffing and puffing in agitation. He was just as hungry as I was. Channel wiggled away from Mohan and slid towards my side of the table, eyes sparkling with mischief. I narrowed my eyes, watching her like a predator as she continued to get closer. The bond twisted and my skin burned as if in warning that someone other than the rat planned to touch me. My wolf growled at the feeling, snapping his teeth in the female's direction.

I gripped her wrist tightly as she reached out to touch me, staring into her eyes, "Did I say that you could touch me?" My hand burned where our skin met. Her eyes were wide, the smell of her fear was thick and I liked it. I breathed in deeply, such a wonderful smell. Channel tried to pull away from me but I squeezed harder, "I believe I asked you a question. It would be rude not to answer, don't you think?"

She licked her lips, "No."

"No, what?"

Mohan shifted in his seat, clearly uncomfortable which amused me, "Revan..." He was thinking he needed to protect the female, as if he could. If I wanted to kill them both there would be nothing they could do to stop me. My lips twitched at the thought.

I tilted my head, "I'm not talking to you right now. It's rude to interrupt. You two are obviously lacking in manners." I tossed a look in his direction, meeting his stare. He held my gaze for a fraction of a second before he looked down, clenching his jaw tightly. I turned my attention back to Channel, "Now, where were we? Right, I was waiting for your answer."

She swallowed hard, "No, you did not give me permission to touch you."

I stared her down, lips curling up to show her my teeth. I leaned towards her, though careful not to touch her anywhere else, "It's not smart to be sticking your hands where they don't belong unless you are looking to lose them. Then you'll only be able to practise your skills with your mouth." I released my grip on her, wiping my hand on my shirt before settling back into my seat.

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