Chapter Fourteen: Tongue Twister

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I walked through the alleyways, looking around lazily. I had left the little mongrel in the apartment tinkering with some brass gears and her welder. I doubted she would get into much trouble with how intent she had been on the project when I had told her I was leaving. She had merely waved me off with a faint sound, her entire focus on the brass gears. I knew enough that when she got like that she would be intent for hours. Who knew it was so easy to keep her entertained? At least that way I knew she wouldn't run off into the streets while I was out gathering intel on Mohan's movements in regards to her.

I couldn't keep an eye on her and regain my throne. I was fully aware that watching Emily was a full time occupation. She did what she wished and if I didn't pay attention she would disappear on me. I frowned slightly at that thought. She had done that several times today at the stall. I hadn't wanted her running around out on the streets at all but I had to concede that the wound was looking much better and it didn't pain her nearly as much. The only thing I had grudgingly admitted was that feral beast of hers followed her around and refused to let her out of his sight. The mangy creature had its use.

Despite how much I wished to, and did, protest and as much as my wolf definitely did not like the idea, we went because she had a serious issue with listening to basic orders. My palm itched for her pert little ass to spank. She tested me too much and my lessons seemed to have no impact, if anything she had gotten mouthier towards me.

Case in point when I had asked her about what the hell she was taking to prevent pregnancy. The thought of breeding with a mongrel was stomach churning. My wolf flashed his canines at me for the thought and it startled me slightly. I shook it off as I moved across the street. She had mouthed me off enough to have me itching to yank her over my knee before she flippantly told me she an implant put in that was good for five years. For some reason that had made me grit my teeth harder. The thought of her planning ahead five years with her little followers was a bit much for me.

I caught sight of the small alcove that lead to the bar and my wolf tensed in anticipation. We wanted to see how they were reacting to our carnage. It had only been yesterday but we wanted to see how Mohan would react to his dogs being put down. No one touched our little mongrel but us. We made that perfectly clear towards the little enchantress when we had fucked her twice on the bed and then again in the shower. I almost wished her scratch and bite marks had lasted on my skin. She was just as vicious as me when she wanted to be and my wolf and I liked to revel in it. It wasn't often that we found a female that liked a little bit of pain with her pleasure.

I exhaled deeply, adjusting my stiffening cock in my pants as I moved towards that space that held the door to the bar. I needed to focus on the goings on and not what was done. I slipped inside and the atmosphere was tense as Mohan paced rather aggressively. My lips twitched in amusement at the sight as I leaned against a close wall, watching him as he breathed heavily.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Mohan shouted as he threw the half empty bottle of whiskey at the wall. It shattered as it connected with the exposed concrete, sending pieces of glass flying in every direction.The liquor darkened the concrete, looking like syrup as it ran down. His chest was heaving, fur spiking through the pores of his skin. He was moments away from losing himself to his wolf and I couldn't stop myself from grinning with amusement at the sight.

"Are you all so fucking incompetent that you can't dispose of one mongrel bitch without getting yourselves killed?" He bellowed to the men in his bar. They watched him with tense expressions, turning that eyes away in submission. Pathetic. These were not men. These were simple-minded puppets with no balls or creative genius.

Mohan let out a snarl of frustration, "You think you can come into my bar and drink for free?" He questioned, the crowd remaining silent. He let out a laugh that said he was on the edge of madness, "Is that what you think?"

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