Second Chance

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Faiths POV

"You are so fucking ugly!" I sigh I don't respond just keep walking, my name is Faith I live with My parents in the blue blood pack my parents love me and I love them I am picked on in the pack because I never shifted so I must be human both of my parents are wolves.

"I'm talking to you bitch don't walk away from me" Emma shouts. Emma is the betas daughter and a good time girl, I carry on walking until my arm is grabbed spinning me around.

"What do you want, Emma?" I ask

"Who the fuck you talking to?"

God this girl needs to grow up and get a life. Walking away, she did not like this. She grabbed me and slapped me in the face, splitting my lip she grins and walks away.
Emma is in my pack as well, I carry on walking home I have just come from the nursery in town I work there I love helping children and teaching them thinking about the children I smile then wince as the cut stings.

Getting home, I open the door, and the smell of food makes my stomach rumble "Mom,dad I'm home."

"In the kitchen honey," mom shouts

"Be right there I'm just going to put my things in my room" I get to the bottom of the stairs I see a blur then my mom is in front of me, I see tears come to her eyes "mom I'm ok really please don't cry" hearing this my dad comes into the room standing next to my mom he reaches out touching my face "I'm ok I really am".

"Who did this?" My dad asks

"Dad, it doesn't matter they don't deserve your time." he walks away out the back door. I run to the window in time to see him shift into his wolf. I sigh.

"You're our pup," my mom says. I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her she hugs me back just as tightly hugs from your parents are the best we pull away. "Come, let me tend to that." we walk upstairs into the bathroom."Sit." I sit on the toilet seat, I hiss when mom tends to the cut."I'm sorry, "

"Mom no don't you dare say sorry it's not your fault or dads I don't have a wolf I love you both so much I love my life you love me as much as if I had a wolf don't you?"

"Of course we do." I smile at mom, and she smiles back. We go downstairs into the kitchen. dad is there he gets up and hugs me. I hug him back. We don't have to say anything his hug says it all.
We sit at the table. mom puts our food in front of us and then takes a seat.

"So how was work today?" Mom asks

"It was great I helped Josh paint he loved it the cleaning up after no so much I smile, little Tracy was feeling unwell today so she sat on my lap I rocked her to sleep her mom come and got her"

"I hope she is well soon," mom says

"I'm sure she will be," I smile.

"We need you to be home early tomorrow as you know the Alphas son is coming home tomorrow our Alpha is stepping down everyone needs to be there," mom says

"Ok, I'll get home quick." I smile. After tea, I help mom wash up and clean the kitchen. I go upstairs and run a bath, getting in. I close my eyes and relax. I think about the Alpha coming back tomorrow, although I don't have a wolf, but it would be disrespectful not to go. Finishing my bath, I put my pyjamas on and go downstairs. My parents are in the front room watching tv. I sit on the couch, and dad makes a hot chocolate for me and mom. we love it. My eyes start to close. I try to stay awake. I'll go to bed in a minute.

I turn over switching the alarm off I sit up noticing I'm in bed dad must of carried me up if he wasn't a wolf I would of been worried I'm 5f 3inches and curvy fat to some. I get up, go to the bathroom, I do my business and brush my teeth, pick out black trousers, a light blue top with a cardigan looking in the mirror "Not too bad," I say to myself. Grabbing my phone, I go downstairs. Breakfast is on the table, but where are mom and dad?. I look out the kitchen window and see them, opening the back door I watch them as I munch on a apple they are chasing each other mom turns and smacks dad with her tail they carry on for a while I love seeing them like this they come over to me I kneel down and kiss there snouts they run behind a tree I know what they are doing I go inside and sit at the table mom and dad come in.

"Morning honey,"

"Morning," we eat our breakfast. I get my bag, make sure everything is there, I kiss mom and dads cheeks. "I'll see you later."

"Bye, sweetie, don't forget to get home quick," mom shouts

"I will." I close the door and start my walk. I love walking in the morning, and my favourite time of day wakes me up. I come to the coffee shop I grab a hot chocolate and a tea for Miss Dolly, I'm nearly at the nursery I spot a man sitting in a doorway he is shivering I walk up to him.

"Here, take this." he looks at me. "It's hot chocolate."I take a sip, then hold it out to him, and he takes it

"T-thank y-you," he says

"Your welcome" I take my hat off and look at him he nods I put the hat on his head then I take my scarf and wrap it around him next I give him my gloves then I open my purse I take out a £10 note and hand it to him

"I c-can't," he says

"Yes, you can take care." I carry on to the nursery going in. I see Miss Dolly. "Morning, Miss Dolly." I hand over her tea

"Morning Faith why thank you dear" she takes the tea I start putting the children's chairs under the tables and getting ready for the day I hum to myself it's a tune my mom use to sing to me when I was a baby,everything is set for the day soon the children will be arriving.

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