Second Chance

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Faiths P.o.v

"Family," Angel says

"Yes, we will be a family." Adonis says she looks at me, and I nod, I can't believe it." We stay with Angel while she paints. I mindlink Adonis

"Thank you, but why?"

"I see you every time that we have to leave her, you get sad," He says

"What about you? How do you feel?" I ask

"I like Angel she needs a family she needs us, I was on my own before you, babe, so I couldn't look after her on my own," he says.

Two weeks later
Angel moved in with us, and it's going great, her painting are hung on the wall. At first, she was nervous , and I understood what pleased me the most was that her bond with Adonis had grown. Today, we go to the blue blood pack land. They have decided to burn their family and bring their ashes with them, I'm taking Angel with me. I plan on going to the nursery just to say hello.


"Yes honey,"

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I'll be right down." I grab my bag and go downstairs. Adonis has Angel ready to go, and we walk outside to the cars.

"I wish I was coming," Adonis says

"We will be fine," I say

"Keep your mindlink open."

"I will, don't worry," I say, we kiss and get in the car

"Bye, Angel." he kisses her head, and she waves her hand. We have been on the road for an hour. Angel starts laughing

"What's so funny?" I smile. She points in the mirror. Looking at the mirror, looking at the mirror, I smile at myself. We have at least 15 suvs carrying everyone plus 8 moving vans. I mindlink everyone asking if they are ok, I tell them to let me know if anything out of the ordinary happenes no matter how small. We drive for a few more hours. I mindlink the others telling them to pull into the dinner up ahead and have something to eat, after parking which was not easy we go inside, to say we attracted quite a few stares would be an understatement. Mom and dad come over to me and Angel.

"You ok love?" Mom asks

"I'm good, mom," I say. "Dad smiles at me

"Angel, you want to go order?" Dad asks her she nods her head he holds out his hand, she takes it, and they head to the counter. I sit in a booth with mom

"Mom, I'm going to take Angel to meet Miss Dolly and the kids, then I will join you,"

"You miss working there?" Mom asks

"I do, but I also wouldn't change the way things have turned out either." I smile, Dad, and Angel, come over, Angel has a banana split. I look at dad "really dad"

"Ah, it won't hurt it it's a treat." Angel looks at me

"It's ok, enjoy," I say she picks up her spoon and digs in. dad brought us a hot chocolate and ham sandwiches. After we eat, I get tea and head to the nursery with Angel.

We walk in to find Miss Dolly reading a story we stand by the doors she hasn't noticed us yet just then Jessica turns around

"Miss miss," she gets up, running to us

"Hi Jessica, everyone looks up

"Faith," Miss Dolly says. I walk over to her and hand her her tea. "Thank you dear, are you back for good?"

"Unfortunately, not just come back to get a few things, then I'm leaving again," I say

"That's a shame," she looks at Angel. "And who do we have here?"

"This is Angel, Angel. This is Miss Dolly. I used to work here." I smile at her she waves at Miss Dolly

"Luna, we have a situation at the grounds,"

"Im on my way."  I'm sorry, but we have to go, " I say

"That's a shame. Hopefully, we will see each other soon," she says

"I hope so to" I say with a quick hug me and Angel walk outside, I get her in the car and strap her in, getting in myself I put my foot down and head to the pack land. As soon as we enter the woods, I abandon the car. I get Angel out

"I need you to get on my back. We will get there quicker." she nods at me. I crouch down, and she jumps on my back. When I have a good grip on her, I run.
Coming into the clearing, I see eight guards in a circle. I put Angel down and walked up to them

"What's going on?" I ask

"When we got here, we found this sleeping in bed." they moved to the side, and there is Marcus. I looked at him

"What are you doing here?" I snap

"Fuck off" he says Mathew kicks him on the jaw there is a horrible snap

"Thank you Mathew keep him here I will deal with him before we leave"

"Yes Luna" they bow I walk around and I'm disgusted the bodies haven't been moved yet he has been sleeping here, I see my pack members packing the moving trucks I don't see my parents I walk over to where our house once was and they are there.

"Mom dad"

"Hello darlings, have you seen what they have found" mom asks

"Yes and I will be dealing with him before I leave, can I ask you to watch Angel I need to see how everyone is doing"

"Of course" dad says I leave Angel with them and walk back

"Luna" he bows

"Yes Conner"

"The deceased family's would like to put them to rest Luna"

"Do they have there earns for the ashes?" I ask

"Yes Luna"

"Get the fires started please"

"Yes Luna" he bows.

We talked with the pack and asked them what they wanted to do with there lost love ones, in the end they wanted a cremated and put in earns to take with them. We all stand and watch the fallen pack members put to rest. It's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do my heart breaks for them for my pack members.
We are finished here many want to leave there homes have been cleared  and put in the vans I only have one more thing to deal with. As I walk up to Marcus the guards separate, I look at him with disgust

"Luna I challenge you to a fight to the death" Marcus smiles

"I accept I smile back.

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