Second Chance

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Faiths POV

Me and Adonis go upstairs. I need a shower we get to the bedroom. I can't help but fall onto the bed. Adonis lies next to me

"You ok?" He asks

"Yes, I'm good, really. I mean, killing isn't good, but there was no other way they could not go," I say

"I know, baby." I snuggle into him


"Yes, babe,"

"I've been thinking, and I want you to mark me if you want." Suddenly, he looms over me

"Babe, I would love nothing more, but I need you to be sure."

"I am sure I want you. I want you as my mate in every way." his eyes turn black.

Five hours later, I finally got into the bath with Adonis behind me. I leaned on him and relaxed

"How you feeling, baby?"

"I'm sore but happy," he kisses my cheek, we are now fully mated. I have a mate, the smile on my face I can't stop, not that I want to. I'm starving, going to the kitchen. I do us both a sandwich as we sit to eat. There is a knock at the door. Adonis gets up to see who it is he comes back with his beta Steve.

"Luna," he bows

"Hello, come sit down," he sits

"Luna, Alpha, we have received a call for help with a rogue problem." he hands a piece of paper to Adonis he looks at it and growls

"No, tell them no," Adonis shouts

"Adonis, what's wrong?" I look at the paper and sigh."Please leave us. We will talk about it. " he bows and leaves.

"No, I don't care. No, they can rot," Adonis says

"We can't not help them think about it it's not just about one it's about the pack, I am asking you to use your head not your heart" he walks to his office I'll give him some time.

My old pack, the blue blood pack, wants our help, we should help, and I want to help, but this I leave to Adonis, I do some cleaning and tidying arms come around me.

"I'm sorry baby, I just can't imagine helping those that have hurt you," he says. I turn in his arms

"I understand." I hug him. I won't argue if he doesn't want to help.

"We will help. I'll call," he says

"Ok," I say he goes back to his office, and I decide to go see mom and dad.

"Hi mom, hi dad."

"Hello honey." they both sniff the air and smile at me

"Yes, I'm fully mated." I'm blushing more cause my dad is there. "I have something to tell you. Let's sit." we sit on the sofa. mom gets some drinks, then joins us.

"What's going on?" Dad asks

"The blue blood pack has asked for our help." they both look shocked

"What are you going to do?" Mom asks

"I'm leaving that up to Adonis he does not want to help because of what they did to us but I told him to use his head not his heart, they are not all bad " I say we talk for a while then go home.
Getting home, I see Adonis is in the kitchen

"Hi, I went to see my parents."

"I just finished a call to the blue blood pack." he is leaning on the counter, looking at me. "Some of their members have been killed,"

"How many?" I ask

"Fifty six," he sighs

"Oh god, no, there pack was just over 200" I say

"They want us to go there," Adonis says

"No, they want help they come here. We were attacked today. I won't leave my pack," I say he smiles at me
"That's what I said. If they want our help, they come here," he sighs. "Alpha shithead kept arguing in the end, I said here or nothing."

"What did he say?"

"They will be here tomorrow morning about one hundred and fifty of them," he says

"Where are we going to put them?" I ask

"There is room in the pack house," he says. I nod. For the rest of the day, the rooms get made up. I help with that. Just because I am Luna does not mean that I can not help out. We all have our dinner together as everyone sits down. I stand

"Before we eat I just want to say when the blue blood pack arrive they are here for our help, do not let them disrespect you in any way if they do come speak to me or Adonis I will not put up with that" I sit down cheers erupt throughout the hall. After the meal and saying goodnight to all the pack, we head home even though I am tired. I know I won't sleep.
I was right all night. I have been tossing and turning, and I decide to get up and shower, I'm in the shower about two minutes when the door opens, and Adonis steps in

"You ok, baby?"

"Yes, no, I know it's right to help I just." I sigh

"Remember what you said last night this is our pack you have all of us" he say the shower takes longer than it should but I feel better after talking to Adonis, we go downstairs and have breakfast after we go to the pack house to wait for the arrival of the blue blood pack.

We are standing outside. Steve just informed us they have arrived, and the cars approach finally coming to a stop. Alpha Marcus gets out then Emma gets out the passenger side I see members of my old pack get out of there cars and they look sad some have been crying there mates are holding them, I look at Emma and Alpha Marcus they look shocked to see me.

"What the hell are you doing here, human!" Emma says my pack growl. I hold up a hand, and they stop. I don't answer her

"Alpha Marcus, I advise that you control her she will show respect to my Luna." Adonis snaps

"With all due respect, I must ask you respect my Luna." Alpha Marcus smirks at me. I feel nothing. Not getting the reaction, he thought he would, and his stare turns cold. I see his mom and dad shake their heads.

"You came here for help. Remember that?" Adonis snaps. I touch his arm, calming him down. Alpha Marcus looks like he wants to argue but doesn't

"Please show them where they will be staying" I say " Alpha Marcus would you and your parents come with us to the office" we don't wait for a response and head inside, when we get to the office I notice that Emma has followed I roll my eyes, we all sit down.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Adonis asks

"Simple we got attacked some died," Alpha Marcus says

"There is more to it than that when I say what happened. I mean, how did they get on pack land? Who was patrolling? Adonis says Alpha Marcus says nothing, but his father Justin does

"The rogues have increased there numbers, they got on pack land because patrolling wasn't properly done" he says glaring at his son "they attacked at night some died in there beds" his voice cracks "some lost there pups" his father says he can't go on.

"Yes, we lost wolves." Alpha Marcus snaps

"We are willing to help," I say

"What can a fat ugly human like you do?" Emma snaps, and I lose it. wolves have died and if he ran his pack properly they may still be here I stand up they all look at me I mind link Adonis telling him what I'm going to do he smirks "first do not speak to me like that" I say

"Or what?" I throw a small fireball at her feet she jumps in the air screaming, all except Adonis. Their mouths are hanging open
"I was not done talking, there are a few rules you do not disrespect our pack in any way oh and just one more thing" leaning forward I look Alpha Marcus in the eye "you Alpha Marcus step down as Alpha".

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