Second Chance

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Faiths POV

Waking up, I feel sparks up and down my arm, turning I see Adonis propped up on one arm


"Morning" he goes to kiss me I cover my mouth and get out of bed going to the bathroom I do my business then brush my teeth, opening the bathroom door I see Adonis in the same position I get back into bed and kiss him.

"What time is it?" I ask

"It's 8 why?" He says

"Crap," I run around the room, grabbing underwear and clothes. "I said I would meet Angel at 9 she is going to help me train. Well, I'm going to try and help her," I say

"You hope by her helping you will help her?" He says I nod."You were made to be Luna, " he says. I take a quick shower and get dressed. Adonis is with my parents we sit at the breakfast table.

"Morning mom,dad."

"Morning honey," mom has a smile on her face. we sit down to have breakfast

"Mom, dad, I'm moving in with Adonis today. we are mates. We should be together."

"Alright, as long as you're sure," dad says

"I am." we finish our breakfast.

Adonis is with me when I go meet Angel. I see her standing in the same spot I met her yesterday

"Morning Angel" she gives me a shy smile when she looks at me "let's go find a quite spot" we walk into the woods, coming to a clearing we sit down "now I'm going to call on Hope don't be afraid" she nods at me again

"Let's show them what we can do," I say

"Right with you" Hope says "close your eyes and picture me but don't change let me come forward" I close my eyes and feel hope come forward "open your eyes" i open my eyes Angels hands cover her mouth, Adonis is smiling at me

"Your eyes are beautiful they are black with gold in the centre," Adonis says. I smile as if reading my mind. He hands me a mirror, taking it. I look at my eyes they are beautiful.

"Of course we are beautiful," Hope says

"How do I change them back?"

"Just close your eyes and picture your own." I do as she says when I open them again. Angel smiles. Adonis holds the mirror up. I practice doing this for a while. Moving on I practice fire balls when I am happy I can make small fire balls when I am angry they get bigger I'm not shocked my emotions are connected, Angel got a little scared but she calmed down when I kept telling her that I would never hurt her. We sit for hours, and I show them what I can do. I can part shift, fireballs,run faster than Adonis, and silver has no effect on me. It's been a long morning. I have learnt so much. I think I'll go to the library and do some reading. Walking back, I feel a hand keep brushing mine, looking down. I see Angel.  I open my hand and hold it out to her she takes it I do notice that when we get closer to people she squeezes a little bit tighter I squeeze back gently letting her know that I am there.
We have been here for just over a month now, myself and my family have settled in well everyday I take Angel and go practice but it's really me and her time it breaks my heart to see her so scared, when we are alone she becomes relaxed
"So, do you think I'm doing good?" I ask she nods."Do you like it here?" She nods again "your always welcome to come to our home when you want" she smiles "come on let's go get you some ice cream" I stand up and hold my hand out she take it just as we are about to leave I smell something.

"Rogue," Hope says, as not to worry Angel, I mind link Adonis.

"Well, look here, and who might you be?" The rogue says

"Leave now or you will die." I snap Angel, grabs my hand tighter he laughs

"You must be a Luna your cent is different," he says

"I don't want to talk leave NOW," I say he laughs again

"I don't think we will," he says


"Why yes" he says just then 4 more men step out grinning with there disgusting yellow teeth I mind link Angel and tell her when I say she jumps on my back she looks scared I look at her she gives a small nod, I hear paws in the distance.

"Hope you ready?"

"Hell yes," she says, the rogue growls at me. Angel jumps on my back, and I partly shift. I let Hope come forward

"No, it can't be," the rogue says

"Unfortunately for you it is" I say my pack come through the clearing I ask them to hold back they stop just behind me I feel Angel lifted off me, two rogues jump at me I bring two fireballs and move in between them putting the fireballs through there chests my hands go through there chests like butter till they both have holes through there chests, pulling my hands back they drop dead. I throw two more fireballs at the other two they don't see them coming and fall down dead. I look at their leader

"I told you to leave you didn't," I say

"I'll leave now," he says, looking for a way out

"I cannot allow that you made your choice you scared a member of my pack that is unforgivable" I say he runs but I'm faster and catch him in a second I fully shift and take him down I want to tear him apart but not with Angel watching I stand over him growling I see the fear in his eyes I snap his neck Adonis comes over to me with Angel

"I'm proud of you, baby." I give him a wolf grin, and he puts Angel on my back, and we head back to the others. Clean the mess. I say, "Thank you, I'll make them dinner. I feel Angel lie on back.

"My Luna" I nearly stumble I look back with my big wolf head to see her smiling at me I lick the side of her face she lies back on me, Adonis is smiling at me he mind links me

"Told you you would be a great Luna," he says

"I'm so happy she talked I thought that this would scare her more" I say we arrive at Alice's house this is where Angel stays, when she opens the door and takes Angel there is a part of me that wants to take her back instead we walk home I shift behind a tree before we go in as soon as we get in my parents are there they both hug me.

"I'm ok," and I was.

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