Second Chance

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Faiths POV

I wake up in a room. My mom is sitting at the side of the bed. My dad, on the other side of the bed, mom looks at me

"Oh honey, you're awake." My mom comes to me. My dad gets up and comes to me. "What happened?" Mom passes me some water my head is suddenly filled with voices I put my hands to my head "honey look at me" I do "imagine a wall inside your mind blocking out all the noise" I do that slowly the voices all fade then completely go I smile at my mom

"Thank you, when we was on stage, it was as though everything just became too much, I'm sorry, wait, how come I can hear other people?"

"They voted we are now members of the white moon pack," dad says

"How do you feel about that?" I ask mom and dad laugh."What's so funny?"

"You are honey, you fainted, and your asking is how we feel."

"Well, forgive me for loving my parents." I try to keep a straight face, but I can't. we all laugh the door, bang open. Adonis is there he comes to me and hugs me.

"Thank god you ok," he says

"I'm fine, just overwhelmed. I feel great now, though. I should go meet the pack we all should," I say.
We make our way downstairs. When my foot hits the bottom step, all the chatter stops, I hold my head high and smile.

"Come, the food is ready," Adonis says. I take my seat next to Adonis, my parents on the other side

"Before we eat, may I say something?"

"Of course," Adonis smiles. I stay sitting down

"First I want to thank you all for accepting me and my parents into your pack, I would like to tell you all how myself and my parents how we ended up here" I sit up and tell them all what me and my parents have been through in the past few days", there are lots of growls and cursing "if this did not happen I would not be here with you all now I want you to know that I am here for all of you day or night I will do the very best I can for this pack and I hope I make you all proud" they smile at me "after we eat I have something I would like to show you all but for now let's eat". There is chatter and laughter as we eat I can not remember a time like this in my old pack this room is absolutely huge and can fit all pack members I hope to have many meals like this with them all,when the food is eaten and we clean away which I insisted on helping with we all go outside I stand there looking at them all.

"I left out a part where I got my wolf" there is cheering "my wolf is not a normal wolf the moon goddess blessed with a special wolf here name is Hope" there are gasps "I have only had my wolf a day and I will be needing your help to train to be the best that we can be, I'm going to show you Hope now" I stand there and think of Hope my bones crack then I'm on my paws we look at the pack, they are on there knees showing us there necks.

"Please stand." I mind link them, and they all rise.

"Can I take over?" I let Hope have control she can also mind link the pack I will protect you all until my last breath I have waited a long time to find my human, would you all join me on our first run?"

"Yes Luna," Adonis shifts as do all the members we take off running howls ring through the air as the pack take there first run with there Alpha and Luna. We run for a few hours, getting back to the pack house. I go behind a tree and shift back. Coming from behind the tree,  a girl, she is small and on her own.


"Yes, love." I smile at him

"Who is that girl?" I point to her

"We don't know her name she has been with us for 2 months we have tried to get her to talk but she won't we found her in her wolf form shaking, we named her Angel"

"I see" I walk over to her she puts her head down "there is no need to keep your head down" she looks up "I'm your Luna Faith as you know, I also need help with training and getting use to my powers would you like to help me?" She looks at me with her head tilted to the side. I wait. Eventually, she nods her head "great meet me here at 9am. Is that good?" She nods again.
My parents and myself go to look at the empty houses, mom decides on one with two bedrooms two bathrooms it's beautiful, we start cleaning while members of the pack go and get our things some of the woman come and help with cleaning, with a pack of wolves it does not take long to put everything in place and soon looks like we have been here forever by the time we are done we go back to the pack house and make some sandwiches for all.
It's 12:10 I'm tired our pack has done so much for us in a day than our last pack ever did, saying goodnight to my parents I go to my room walking in I gasp, Adonis is sitting on my bed "your sneaking in really?"

"I wanted to see you,"

"Here I am." I smile. I sit on the bed next to him and take his hands. The sparks I feel make me smile "Adonis talk to me?"

"It's hard to stay away from you, I want to be with you all the time,"

"I understand that maybe I should move in with you. We are mates. You want to be with me right?"

"Of course I do. I love you,"

"You love me?"

"I do your my world, do you feel anything for me?"

"I do I love you too we are meant to be." he smiles at me and leans forward. I lean into him and share our first kiss, "You can help me move tomorrow." he laughs

"Can I stay here with you tonight?"

"Of course," I get changed and get into bed with Adonis, Hope is purring in my mind, happy to be with our mate.

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