Second Chance

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Faiths P.o.v
A massive circle is made we both step inside

"So fatty you think your something now" he snarls I say nothing "to good to talk to me know" again I say nothing " your fat ugly and stupid I have to say though that I thought you would of begged me to take you back".

"Why would I do that?" You were my mate before I had my wolf you thought that because I'm fat I would be desperate for any love from anyone I would of rejected you asshole, you are a coward an unfit Alpha a murderer, this isn't a fucking book where you reject me and I lose weight to get you back, this is life this is me and I'm happy with who I am.
I see him shaking his wolf, taking over. I just stand there.

"Is he trying to intimidate us?" Hope says

"I think so," I say

"Well, it's not working," she says. "may I have the honer of this fight?" She asks

"You may," I recede into the back, giving control over to her. "Make it hurt," I say

"I will," she says.

"Let's do this bitch" Marcus snaps he changes into his wolf  and charges at Hope she side steps and punches him in the ribs, a sickens sound is heard Marcus wolf starts to whimper but he keeps going charging at Hope again she jumps over him landing on his back he tries to buck her off but she hold on a sickens whimper is heard when she sticks her fingers in his eyes blinding him. He shifts back his hands over his face, screaming on the ground. Some pack members have left going to the cars. Hope approaches Marcus next is something I never want to see again she breaks his bones one after the other like twigs.

"Hope, let me take over," I say

"Spoil sport" Hope says she gives control over to me I stand over Marcus two holes where his eyes were bones sticking through the skin he is badly breathing I bring a flame to my hand putting my hand through his chest I pull out his barely beating heart. Tossing it aside, "burn him," I walk away.
I walk into the pack house and take a shower. I grab some clothes and go back outside

"Luna, everything is done,"

"Thank you Mathew let's go home,"

"Yes Luna" once I make sure everyone is accounted for we make our way home.
I want to get home badly and hold Adonis go to sleep, Angel is in the car with my parents.

"All kids and women to the shelter," Adonis mindlink

"Adonis, what's going on?" I ask

"Rogues attacking" everyone in the cars put there foot down we are not far from home, the wood come into view I slam on the breaks and jump out the car, running into the woods I change into my wolf and run.

"Im coming I'm nearly there" soon I come into the clearing and see my pack getting attacked, I get to the first rogue I see jumping on his back I snap his neck between my teeth, more pack members emerge from the trees we have them outnumbered we soon have them surrounded changing back into human form Adonis throws me a t shirt I put it on. Our pack has the rogues surrounded

"Why are you here?" Adonis shouts

"To kill obviously," a rogue says

"Enough, kill them," Adonis says as we walk away. "And we can hear the rogues being taken out behind us.
Getting home, mom and dad are in the kitchen with Angel

"You ok?" dad asks

"I'm good  I'm just going to shower." I get in the shower standing under the hot water, Adonis gets in behind me. "I killed Marcus," I say

"I know I saw," Adonis says. Adonis can see through my eyes when I let him. That's how he saw. "How do you feel?"

"Tired, I don't feel bad about doing what I need to do to make this place safe" I say after our shower we go downstairs and mom and dad say there goodbyes it's been a day from hell but we survived I get Angel bathed and into her pyjamas, putting her to bed she was asleep before her head hit the pillow I pull her door closed and go downstairs to Adonis.

"Come drink this!" He holds out a glass

"What is it?" I ask

"Brandy," he says. I take the glass and drink. I sit down and rest my head back. A knock on the door I go to get up but Adonis gets it, he comes back a few minutes later

"Everything ok?"

"Yes, babe, the rogues' bodies have been burnt," he says

"Good" I say I get up taking his hand leading him to the bedroom I push him on the bed and climb on top of him resting my head on his chest, he pulls the covers over us "I love you"

"I love you to more than anything." I look up at him

"You don't wish I was thinner?" I ask

"No way, you're perfect," he says

"I'm happy you feel that way cause this is who I am," I say, putting my head back on his chest.

"I love your curves. Your body drives me wild," he says while wrapping his arms around me, I fall asleep in the arms of the man I love.

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