ch-2 the farewell party

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It's been a week since all the Arora's ,ahanas friends  came to know about her achievement.Today a farewell party has been organised at her company which was soon going to be her ex company.she was really upset with the word 'farewell' which meant she has to leave her friends.

Dressed in a very elegant black gown (have a look in the media)designed by her favourite designer.      retouching her make up with a swipe of red lipstick on her lips and she was ready to go.her skin was glowing in that black gown.
"Ooho di you are looking  damn hot!"said yuvaan entering her room.
"I know that"she said with a wink.
"Wow Princess you are looking so gorgeous"her brother Avaan said."thank you dear brother but i have a complain about you"ahana said."complain? What complain?.
"That you are not spending time with bhabhi aka sia"
"Oh come on ahu i have a lot of work .now i cant leave my work to go shopping with sia or baby sit her.being the CEO of our company its my responsibility to look after the company.and besides when did i said i don't love her or don't want spend my time with her it's just that i can't make my first will always be my first priority.
"Okay okay you better talk to her about this and bye i am geeting late"
As soon as she reached her company,The malhotra empire she went to the party hall and as soon as she enter she was showered with a lot of flowers.
"Surprise!!" All shouted.
Ahana was mesmerize by the beauty of the was decorated so beautifully.
"Thank you everyone for making my last day so memorable"cried ahana
"Oh come on ahana stop this daily soaps drama and let's  enjoy okay?"
"Yeah you are right" said ahana

"By the way someone is looking very hot today"said Rhea ,one of her close friend cum sister.
"Yeah ahana you are looking damn hot today,boys will be flat after seeing you" shanaya said who was standing with her husband Ajay."thank you guys"

The party was on a full swing.Ahana was sipping her drink standing in the bar counter when "hello miss Hottie "💕💕.she was startled by the voice and turn around to have a look of the person.
Mr.Rehan malhotra the CEO of her company and her boss was standing there.he was eye candy of every girl of the company.every girl dies to go on a date with him and even Ahana too.she has a little ,okay maybe a little more crush on him and here he was freaking standing before her and complimenting her.she was checking him out.he was wearing a dark blue business attire with black shoes.his hair were perfectly gelled.
"Uhh miss arora will you stop staring?"rehan said with a mischievous smile.
Ahana blush like a red tomato.
"I was not staring at you"ahana said defending herself.
"I didn't said you were staring at me.did i?"
Ahana was now even more embarrassed and was about to go when rehan pulled her towards him by her wrist.
"By the way congratulations miss arora for your achievement"
"Thank you sir "
"Are ahana come let's dance"one of colleague interrupted and pull her to the dance floor.

Ahana went to her home after the party.
At night ahana was arranging her bag.she was shifting to Mumbai tomorrow .suddenly she saw a picture of her with her was clicked when she was 6 years old Avaan was 10 years and yuvaan was 4 years that time.the picture held so many can she live without them in Mumbai when she can't even think of living alone without them.she was weeping silently when someone knocked at the door.she open the door and found her mother there.
"Mom do you need anything?
"No i just came to check on you .have you pack your things or left for me to pack?"
"Yeah mom i have pack my things properly but mom i-i don't want-t to go.ahana said while crying
"Ssh baby stop crying i know it will be difficult for us to stay without you but it's about your career,your future,your dreams and there is not a single parent who doesn't wants their child's happiness. and don't worry about us."
"Yeah mom i know and thank you and i love you sooooo much 😘"she kissed her mom.
"I love to too baby.okay now sleep you have to go na.good night".
"Good night mom"
With that she went to sleep dreaming about her new life in Mumbai.

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