Chapter 10

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Bella's POV
I wake up as a new vampire and I immediately notices the differences in my senses, noticing dust particles in the air, the textures and details of things in the room, I focus on Edward and we start touching each other lightly, Edward strokes her face. "So beautiful. We're the same temperature now." Edward says. I look at myself in the mirror, then turn to Edward and hug him.

"Hey, Bella, you're a lot stronger than I am right now. It's your turn not to break me." Edward chuckled. After I pulled him close with my newly found strength.

"I love you."

"I love you." Edward replied. We start kissing, then I look at Edward.

"Renesmee." I say wondering where my daughter is. Edward smiles at me.

"She's incredible."

"Where is she? I have to see her."

"You need to get your thirst under control.Yeah, you'll need to hunt." Edward says. Edward and I go to the woods on a hunt, As we run at super speed I start to notice everything in the woods, finally we stop after jumping over a waterfall.

"Close your eyes. What do you hear?" Edward asks. I start hearing an owl, a squirrel and then a dear, I go over to look at the dear. Edward nods at me I go to pounce, when suddenly the brezze blows a human scent up my nose. His blood. I run and jump on the mountain he's on and starts climbing.

"Bella, stop!" Edward yells causing me to stop.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize there'd be people this far from the trails." Edward apologises, I look at the human and try to control myself

"I have to get outta here." I mumble.

"Okay, I can help you." Edward said. I look at Edward then I jump off the mountain. I go back to catch the dear but a mountain lion comes up and leaps towards the dear at the same time I jump and takes down the mountain lion, the dear runs off. After I have fed on the mountain lion Edward and I walk back to the house.

"Well, I'm amazed. You ran away from human blood mid-hunt. Even mature vampires have problems with that." Edward praised. I See Jacob walking out of the house and coming towards us.

"You're still here." I smiled

"So are you. I didn't expect you to seem so you. Except for the creepy eyes." Jacob laughed and getting closer.

"I would keep my distance for now." I told him.

"It's safer for the baby to see how you do with me first." Jacob reassures.

"Since when do you care about Renesmee?" I asked.

"All right. Take a whiff." Jacob says. I step closer to Jacob and take a Sniff.

"Well, I can see what everyone's been talking about. Jake, you really do stink."

"You guys really look great together." Jacob confirmed. That's weird. Since when does Jacob think Edward and I look good together.

"Want to come meet our daughter?" Edward asked. Jacob runs ahead into the house as Edward and I make our way into the house. When we get into the house the whole family are there with Renesmee, they turn to face me

"Welcome to the family." Esme welcomed, hugging me.

"You look amazing, Bella." Alice complimented.

"Someone's been waiting to meet you." Carlisle said.

"Rose" Edward caleed. Rosalie turns to face me holding Renesmee,  I finally get to see her face, she looks a few months old, Rose hands over Renesmee to me and Renesmee tenderly touches my face, I start seeing image of myself when I gave birth to Renesmee.

"What was that?" I asked.

"She showed you the first memory she has of you." Edward answered.

"Showed me? How?"

"How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future? She's gifted."

"I've only been out for two days?" I questioned.

"Her growth rate is unprecedented." Carlisle said.

"All right. That's enough experimenting for one day." Jacob spoke trying to take Renesmee from me.

"Jacob. She's doing great." Edward hissed.

"Yeah. Let's not push it though."

"What's your problem?" I asked

"Oh. Do tell her, Jacob." Rosalie teased.

"This should be good." Emmett laughed.

"Hold on a second." Edward spoke taking Renesmee from me.

"Bella. Look, it's a wolf thing." Jacob tried to explain.

"What's a wolf thing?" I growled.

"Um... You know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with. And it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise."

"Take Renesmee out of the room." I ordered. Edward comes up behind me and touches my shoulder.

"Edward, don't touch me right now. I don't want to hurt you." Edward takes his hand away. Furious with Jacob, I  grab a hold of him by the neck and throws him out of the house.

"You imprinted on my daughter?" I yelled

"It wasn't my choice!"

"She's a baby!"

"It's not like that. You think Edward would let me live if it was?"

"I'm still debating it." Edward snarked.

"I've held her once! One time, Jacob! And already you think that you have some moronic wolfy claim on her? She's mine!" I said yelling the last part and striking Jacob hard in the face, Leah and Seth in their wolf form arrive on the scene.

"It's fine, Leah." Jacob spoke authority when she growled.

"You're gonna stay away from her."

"You know I can't do that." I punched Jacob hard in the stomach at that comment causing him to fall down.

"Do you remember how much you wanted to be around me 3 days ago? That's gone now, right?" Jacob asked.

"Long gone." I said angrily.

"Because it was her. From the beginning it was Nessie who wanted me there."

"Nessie? You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness monster?" I raged. I move towards Jacob in anger, Seth in his wolf form attacks me, but I  push him aside easily and he hits the tree before falling to the ground in pain.

"Seth, are you okay?" Jacob asked. Seth whimpers in pain.

"Seth, I'm sorry."

"He'll be all right. Bella, you know me better than anyone. All I want is for Ness... Renesmee to be safe. Happy. Look, nothing ever made sense before. You. Me. Any of it. And now I understand why. This was the reason." Jacob spoke.

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