Chapter 12

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Charlie's pov
"Where's Bella?" I ask Carlisle when he opens the door. Carlisle motions for me to come inside and he takes meto Bella, she's sat on the couch with Edward


"Hi, Dad." Bella responded.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Never better. Healthy as a horse."

"You don't turn into an animal, too, do you?" I asked Bella smiles and shakes her head

"She wishes she was that awesome." Jacob snarked.

"Let's give them some privacy." Edward said. Edward, Carlisle and Jacob leave the room. After they leave the room, I sit next to Bella on the couch

"Uh, Jake said that this... This was necessary. What does that mean?" I asked

"I really think it would be better..." Bella started but I cut her off

"I wanna know what happened to you." I demanded

"I can't tell you."

"I think I deserve an explanation."

"You do. But if you really need one, I can't stay here."

"Oh, come on! No! No more going away!"

"Dad, you're just gonna have to trust that for whatever reason, I'm all right. I'm more than all right. Can you live with that?"

"Can I live with that? Well, I don't know, Bella. I mean, I just watched a kid I've known his entire life turn into a very large dog. My daughter looks like my daughter. But doesn't." I sighed.

"Can you please just believe that I'll tell you anything that you need to know?"

"And I don't need to know this?"

"No. Really, you don't." Bella confirmed.

"Well... Not gonna lose you again. I can't."

"Then you won't. I promise." Bella says. I hug Bella.

"I missed you, Bells. So much."

"I missed you, Dad."

"Charlie. This is Renesmee." Edward spoke interrupting our hug.

"Your niece?" I asked

"Our daughter." Edward explained.

"Right. The adoption.Renee-semee? She's got your eyes, Bella. Need to know, I guess." I said. Bella nods her head and smiles.

Bella's POV

"Well done, Bella. Never seen a newborn show that kind of restraint." Jasper acknowledged.

"I'm not sure she is a newborn. She's so tame." Emmett commented.

"Emmett, don't antagonize her. She's the strongest one in the house." Edward protested.

"Please" Emmett scoffed. This leads to an arm wrestling match in the woods between Emmett and I.

"Don't hurt yourself, Emmett." Edward advised.

"All right. On 3. 3!" Jasper says. I beat Emmett easily causing the boulder to break and everyone claps, I turn to Edward.

"Did you see that?" I asked then punches the rock nearby making it break and crumble, showing off my new found strength. I feel the sun coming up in the woods, I step into the sunlight which makes my skin sparkle.

My time as a human was over. But I never felt more alive. I was born to be a vampire.

Ruby's pov

Seth and I are sitting in the kitchen eating sandwhiches Esme made before she went to watch Bella arm wrestle Emmett or whatever. I dont care, I'm still mad at her she hasn't even tried to explain to me why she hurt Seth. I mean seth told me what happened after I calmed down but I still want bella to tell me.

"Hey Ruby" I hear bella say as all the Cullen's walk back into the house. I didnt respond to her.

"Ruby" Bella said again. I didnt respond. I wouldn't Even look at her.

"Ruby" Bella called louder.

"If you ignore it, it will go away." I told Seth hoping to get rid of Bella.

"She Probably won't" Seth confirmed.

"No. I won't" Bella challenged. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course not" I mumbled.

"Ruby, talk to me"

"About what? How you abused my imprint? Or how much of a bitch you are for abusing my imprint?" I barked.

"It was an accident Ruby" Bella assured.

"I know, doesn't mean I forgive you" I spoke stubbornly.

"Oh, come on Ruby" Bella huffed.

"How would you feel if I threw Edward into a tree?"

"I would let you if it made you forgive me" Bella sighed.

"Really?" I asked mischievously.

"Yes" Bella confirmed.

"Ok. I guess if you let me throw edward into a tree we'll be even and I'll forgive you" I affirmed.


"Not fine" Edward spoke up for the first time. Bella and I both gave Edward a look.

"Fine" Edward groaned.

"Let's go outside then" I grinned.

"No way I'm missing this" Emmett said, following us along with everyone else. Once we where all outside, I looked around for the perfect tree. Hmm that one looks pretty big

"Ok I'm ready" I smiled cracking my knuckles.

"Throw him hard Ruby" Emmet encouraged. I grabbed Edward and threw him as hard as I could into a tree. I heard his back crack a bit and high Fived Emmett.

"I forgive you" I said to Bella. Walking back inside with Seth.

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