Chapter 14

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Rubys pov

"So we're fighting the Volturi? And your going away for the weekend to try and get your friends to help?" Seth asked

"Yes" I responded Seth just nodded slowly.

"You can come if you want. I'm sure my friends would love to meet the guy I'm going to spend the rest of my life with" I continued.

"Spend the rest of your life with" Seth smiled. Oh shit doesn't he want to spend his life with me.

"I Mean.. I.. Um... Only if you want to... You dont have to...I um." I stuttered being cut off by Seth's lips on mine.

"I would love to spend the rest of my life with you and meet your friends" Seth agreed. I smiled at him and leaned in for another kiss.

Bella's POV

Edward, Jacob, Renesmee and I drive up to the Denali's house, Edward gets out of the car and walks up to Them. I listen into their convo with my super hearing.

"Edward, is everything all right? Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Tanya asked.

"Is it lrina? Have you heard from her?" Carmen asked.

"Not directly" Edward said.

"Why is your bride waiting in the car?" Eleazar questioned.

"And why have you brought a wolf with you? I can smell him from here." Kate snarled scrunching up her nose.

"My family is in danger. I need your help."

"What's happened?" Carmen asked.

"It's hard to explain but I need you to be open-minded. Can you do that?" Edward asked

"Of course." Tanya assured. I turn to Renesmee

"Okay. Time to meet some new people." I said to Renesmee

"What if they don't like me?" Renesmee asked

"They'll love you." Jacob comforted.

"They will. Once they understand you" I agreed.

"They just haven't met anyone like you before." Jacob said

"Okay." I said. We all get out the car and the Denali's are immediately shocked at seeing Renesmee.

"The Volturi will come for all of us." Kate exaggerated.

"You get that thing out of here." Tanya snarled. Jacob picks renesmee up.

"She's not what she looks like." Edward explained.

"This is a crime!" Tanya yelled and suddenly attacked Edward, he quickly pushes her aside, Kate then attacks Edward but I quickly jump in and throws Kate aside, then both Kate and Tanya move to attack Edward and I.

"Stay back!" I yelled

"She has blood in her veins. You can feel her warmth." Edward objected.

"I can feel it." Carmen said calming down.

"I'm her biological father. Bella is her mother." Edward explained.

"Impossible." Kate stammered.

"It's true. She was born while I was still human." I said

"I've never heard of such a thing."Eleazar cautioned.

"She can show you, if you let her." Edward said. Jacob slowly brings Renesmee towards the Denali's.

"Tanya, you owe us this much. We're all under a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain."

Jacob brings Renesmee closer to Tanya, Renesmee goes to place her hand on Tanya's cheek. Tanya flinches.

"Don't be afraid. This is how she communicates." I told. Renesmee touches Tanya's cheek, letting her see her memories, Tanya suddenly understands and turns to her family.

"It's true. She's not immortal." Tanya said. I knew the rest of our family would face this fear as well. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the Volturi.

Seth's POV

"So how far away is this place?" I asked as we got in Ruby's car. I had convince mum to let me go and stay the weekend.

"Two and a half hours away" Ruby responded.

"So do I get to pick the music?" I asked. Ruby laughed at me

"Your funny Seth" Ruby snickered.

"Thats what I thought" I mumbled.

Esme's POV

Carlisle and I visit another vampire coven in Egypt, trying to gather as many witnesses as possible.

"Amun, please!" Carlisle begged.

"I cannot help you, Carlisle." Amun denied.

"I wouldn't ask if it weren't urgent." Carlisle pleaded.

"You must go." Amun pointed to the door. We went to walk out when Suddenly Amun's son, Benjamin uses his powers to make the water in their small house pool rise up like a wall to block the doorway

"I'd like to hear about it. I never get to meet any of Amun's friends. He likes to keep me hidden." Benjamin confirmed.

"I can't imagine why." Carlisle smiled. Benjamin makes the water fall back into the pool, and he walks up to Carlisle and they shake hands.

"Carlisle." He introduces himself

"Benjamin" Benjamin introduces.

Bella's pov

Back in Forks, Renesmee touches Benjamin's cheek, then Benjamin takes Renesmee's hand and uses his power to create a mini cyclone in it.

"Benjamin can influence the elements." Edward told me
"And here I get super self-control." I laughed. Suddenly they all hear something fast move in the woods getting closer to them, I see two female vampires appear out of nowhere

"Who are they?" I asked.

"Senna and Zafrina. From the Amazon." Edward told. The arrival of Senna and Zafrina meant that our plea was being heard in even the most remote corners of the world while others searched for witnesses closer to home. A patriot Carlisle first met on the battlefield at Yorktown would become our most unlikely ally.

Emmett's pov

Carlisle's friend, Garrett, attacks a punk singing in the streets and holds him up by his throat.

"Shut up! I hated the first British lnvasion. And I hate the second one even more." Garrett groaned.

"Even the Beatles? Really, Garrett?" I sassed.

"Old habits die hard." Garrett spoke.

"Carlisle needs you." Rosalie explained.

Garrett lets go of the punk's throat and he drops to the ground and tries to crawl away

"Sounds interesting. But first I'd better finish my meal." Garrett says. Garrett attacks the punk, drinks his blood and kills him

Ruby's POV

"We're here" I smiled pulling up to a mansion.


"Yeah, my friends like to travel in style" I laughed.

"I can see that" Seth looked amazed.

"Come on, let's go" I said getting out of the car.

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