Chapter 18

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Bella's pov
Alice made sure only I would get the message. Because only my mind would be safe from Aro.

"I'm surprised you took a break from Jedi training." Jacob said as we drove Renesmee to see Charlie.

"If I don't take Renesmee to my dad, he'll come to us. Not so great."

"I know that's what you told Edward." Jacob said suspiciously. I don't reply

"Whatever. I'm just glad to get away from all those reeking bloodsuckers."  I give Jacob a look of disapproval

"I'm sorry. I know. They're the good guys. But come on, Dracula One and Two are creepy. " Jacob said causing Both of us to laugh. As I pull up the car at Charlie's Renesmee quickly gets out of the car and runs towards Charlie and Sue as they come out of the house

"There she is. Come here." Charlie says as he catches Renesmee in his arms and spins her.

"Oh! Wow! Look at you. You've grown half a foot! Seriously. Like 6 inches."

"Come on inside. Lunch is on the table." Sue greeted.

"We got a tree to decorate, huh? Well before Ruby completely steals that job." Charlie chuckled.

"I've actually got a few errands to run, guys. I'll be back soon, okay?" I commented. Jacob gives me a knowing look as I leave.

Ruby's pov

"Seth stop it, I want too" I whined as Seth holds me back from decorating the tree.

"No. Charlie said to wait for Renesmee" Seth grunts.

"She taking to long"

"I'm here" I heard Renesmee's little voice.

"Finally" I stated running to the tree.

"Wow" Jacob said walking in the house

"Do you like it?" I questioned referring to the house I had filled to the top with Christmas decorations.

"Its a lot" Jacob mumbles.

"Christmas was always her favourite holiday" Charlie spoke

"That's Because christmas is the best holiday ever"

"I don't think I've ever met anyone so obsessed with Christmas" Sue laughed.

"Oh, can I put the star on top of the tree. Please, please, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" I asked Charlie

"It's Renesmee's first Christmas" Charlie responded.

"So?" I asked.

"Can't you let her do it?"

"Fine. Sethy can you take me up to my room" I pouted, holding my hands out like a baby that wanted to be picked up.

"Ok" Seth smiles picking me up. He's such a good boyfriend.

"Put her down" Charlie called causing Seth to drop me literally drop me.


"I'm sorry" Seth apologised helping me up.

"It's fine I'll be in my room"

"Well there goes the Christmas spirit" I heard Jacob say as I walked up the steps.

Bella's pov

Alice's note gave me a new sense of hope. Maybe she had a plan for us after all. And maybe J. Jenks was the key.

"I'm meeting Mr. Jenks." I told the host at the restaurant

"Right this way."

"Mrs. Cullen." Mr Jenks spoke


"I'm so happy you called. I always meet my private clients here. It's more comfortable than the office.

"And it's more public. What type of work do you do, J.?" I asked

"Oh, you know, this and that. It's always different, which keeps it interesting."

"Have you known Alice and Jasper long? "

"I've been working with them for more than 20 years. And my late partner knew Jasper 15 years before that. He is, uh, unusually well-preserved." Mr Jenks whispered.

"Yes, he is."

"I trust that Mr. Jasper is enjoying his vacation."

"He didn't tell you where he was going, did he?"

"No, no, no, he just mentioned that he was leaving when he came by to place his order."

"I assume that his order is ready?"

"Of course. I've never been late with a delivery." Jenks slides an envelope towards Me, I opens the envelope to find forged passports and documentation for Renesmee and Jacob

"There a problem?"Mr Jenks asked seeing my facial expression.

"No. My husband and I thought that we'd all be traveling together."

"Jasper said only two were traveling. His instructions were very clear." Mr Jenks confirmed.

"It's my mistake. Apparently, that's not going to happen."

Alice's vision was clear. Renesmee would have a future. But Edward and I wouldn't be a part of it.

Ruby's pov

"Ruby come on, open the door" I heard Seth say from behind the door.

"No" I said back stubbornly. The knocking stopped and I thought Seth had given up, until I heard my window open.

"Seth what the hell?" I yelled covering my face.

"Don't pretend this is the first time I've snuck in through your window." He joked fully walking in my room.

"Why are you covering your face?" Seth questions.

"No reason" I heard Seth sigh before his hand took my hands away from my face.

"Why are you crying? what's wrong?" Seth worried wrapping his arms around me and holding my hands. I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"It doesn't matter"

"It does if your crying"

"Do you know why I like Christmas so much?"


"I guess not many people really do. My parents, they weren't around much they were always working. I know they did it for me so I could have a better life and blah blah blah blah blah. They were still good parents, but they would always make excuses to get out of everything, this is the most important meeting of my life, I need to make this sale, we do this for you, blah blah blah. They missed my birthdays, my parent teacher interviews, my cheerleading competitions, Easter, St Patrick's day, Valentine's Day, pretty much all the holidays but they never missed Christmas.

Christmas was the one time they wouldn't disappoint me, they would always come home and we'd decorate the house , I'd put the star on the tree, mum would put the Christmas music on and we'd sing and dance, we'd make this big dinner way more than we could actually eat, dad would make his famous hot chocolate and we'd all just be together tell each about what we'd been doing. It was always my favourite day of the year, it still is. It's just not the same without them" I cried.

"I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault" I say cuddling into him more.

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