Chapter Two - Zdana

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Zdana limped her way through the tunnels ignoring the sharp pain ripping its way through her leg and back. She hatted being dragged into processing. Sitting in that little chair always left her stiff and it took her days to work out her back and leg afterwards. She could not really say no however, considering how much the people of the Fens had done for her.

'No excuses Ren!' The angry voice that echoed down the tunnel was familiar and she changed her direction. 'We made a deal and you will honor it. I don't want to see your face again until I have what we agreed upon.'

'But Daniels,' Came a second voice.

'I could give a cave rats hairy ass about Daniels.' The first cut in. 'Run now and make it fast. You have two hours before I come looking for you and Daniels.' A skinny man tore out of the opening on the right side of the tunnel and ran off out of sight not even noticing her. Zdana shook her head and went in.

Orick was not a typical man born in the Fens. The higher gravity insured the newer generations born down here were stronger, but also smaller. Orick's birth spit in the face of natural evolution. Standing at six eight, his bald head brushed the ceilings of most of the tunnels. If it were not for his thick busy red beard, she never would have known the color of his hair due to his complete lack of eyebrows. He glared at her with light green eyes as she entered.

'Poppa, why are you picking on poor Ren?' Zdana demanded. 'You know he is just the messenger and Daniel is his boss.' Orick's annoyance turned to worry.

'You look tired. Come home and I will make you some food.' He moved to her side taking her hand. Zdana followed without comment. She would rather her father's focus be on her then poor Ren.

'So, what is it Daniel is trying to cheat you out of this time?' She asked as they worked their way through the tunnels.

'You and your momma may be able to see in this low light with no problems,' Orick sighed 'but the rest of us are not so lucky. We need more lights down here to replace the old ones that keep shorting out. I know you are good kid, but even someone with your skill can not keep up with all of these repairs.' She nodded frowning as she thought of her workshop. She would have to expand if any more broken items came in. More than half of it was lights in one form or another.

'What about Samuel?' She suggested. 'He owes you for that last shipment of contraband you sent up.' Orick let out a deep laugh that echoed around them.

'Ah girl, you think like your old man.' He said giving her hand a gentle squeeze. 'I was saving that debt for something good, but being an engineer in the Uptop he can get his hands on some good quality lighting. After that shipment I gave him, it should get us enough to light the whole Fen.'

'Think you can try and have him slip in some tools as well?' Zdana asked frowning. 'Some of the things in my work shop cannot be fixed without them.'

'Make me a list.' He replied as they entered the Fen's main chamber. 'I will give it to Daniel. He is useless for big things like lights and food, but for tools and parts he is my best supplier.' She nodded her agreement remembering the care package Daniel had dropped off for her the last time he had angered her father. It had been full of the delicate tools she had needed to fix the few Citynet terminals in the Fen. She had not lied to that poor guy Grant. They could access the Citynet thanks to cables the miners had accidentally stumbled across while digging upward. She could not only connect the five terminals, but she had access to the entire server. The only thing she could not seem to do was transmit. Even if she was capable however, she would not. If those in Capital city found out the people of the Fens had access to so much information they would shut it down and probably send anyone they thought involved to take the long walk.

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