Chapter Thirty Four - Zdana

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Gateway was different. The streets were packed full of ghost like people dressed in colorful attire that Zdana had never seen before. Most had books of some kind in their hands, or devices she did not recognize at all.

'Sad, is it not?' She looked to her right to see an older man standing at her side. His eyes glow blue like her own. Even without them, she knew who he was. He had grown out his white hair and beard, but they did little to cover his scars. Last she had seen him, he had been in his early twenties. Now he looked to be in his fifties. 'They call it South Capital in this time.' Logan explained. 'These people all live on top of each other, but not one of them can name their neighbors, nor do they care anything about them.'

'Is this a dream?' Zdana asked confused as she looked back to the packed streets.

'Sort of.' Logan said cocking his head thoughtfully. 'It is more of a memory in the stone.' He motioned her to follow and she did surprised that there was no pain in her leg at all. He led her to the house near the reactor that she had taken as her own. Inside was a ghost man working over a pile of books.

'But this makes no sense.' Daily said shaking his head. 'We are running out of time Mother. They will seal the city in three days we must hurry.' The most beautiful voice Zdana had heard in her short life sang an answer that echoed through the whole room.

'Patience youngling.' The Mother sang.

'You do not understand Mother. The decompression chamber does not work.' Daily protested breaking into tears. It will work for the people on this level, but it will kill the miners. I cannot solve this problem. Nothing I do can help them.'

'I will take care of my children.' The Mother soothed. 'The device is not your concern. The other preparations are your priority.'

'But Mother,' Daily protested. 'It will not work. The first pressure shift will be fine getting them to the depth they all would need to start the stabilization. The second shift up would probably kill a small amount unable to accept the shift. Once they reach the fourth stage, it will kill everyone. I checked and rechecked the numbers.'

'You are correct.' The Mother agreed 'When the device reaches that stage, I will take over.'

'What?' Zdana said shocked as understanding flooded her. Logan just nodded.

'Mother is making the machine work.' He confirmed. 'You cannot find the A.I. core because it does not exist.'

'There is work to be done, and little time.' Mother continued. 'You must hurry.' Daily sighed nodding and jumped to his feet and left the home.

'Why am I here?' Zdana asked as they followed Daily through the crowded streets. She could see signs of people packing up their homes now and large transports driving by full of personal items.

'There are things your people need that they will not find on their own.' Logan explained. 'Also, Mother knows that the device scares and worries you. She wants you to know that you have nothing to worry about. She will make sure you are all safe until the process is complete.' He frowned to her worried. 'When your people make it to the surface, you must get as far from the Capital as you can. I know you want to leave the device intact for its citizens, but your people will be nothing but slaves and criminals to them even on the surface. They will cause you much grief and it is best just to cut all ties with them.' She nodded her agreement before looking back to Daily.

The man was going into the warehouse. It was now guarded but the guard at the outpost was paying him no mind at all. Inside, Daily went right to the armory. Opening the secret door, he went in and started pulling down all of the guns and containers of ammunition. He went to a large armor rack and a panel slid up showing a terminal. She watched over his shoulder as he entered the password, then changed it to Mother's plan. The shelf slid aside showing a second shooting range that was more than twice the size of the ones the miners had found. Daily worked fast moving all of the weapons and their ammo inside before sealing the room again.

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