Chapter Twenty Six - Grant

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The days pasted and they started to blend together. As people settled into Gateway, life became easy for the first time in living memory. There was enough hard work to do for everyone, but, there was also plenty of food and comfort for all. The Capital was the only worry.

'Is there anything new to report?' Stine asked Zdana. 'Have they gotten close to the south pass?' Grant almost laughed when she gained an amused smile and a look of pure mischief. They were out in front of the library with more than half the city watching. All of their meeting were like this, but the citizens had been good enough to stay quiet so the group could work.

'I told you before.' Grant answered instead. 'They cannot get into the southern tunnels. The new maps that they sent to control, show that the explosions in the Fens collapsed all of the unstable tunnels. It sent off a chain reaction which brought down the good tunnels. When they try to dig into it, their machines get buried in rubble.'

'He is right.' Zdana said. 'I will not lie, it is not impossible for them to open the south tunnels again. It is just not possible for them to do it the way they are. Not one of those fools know a thing about shoring up tunnels.'

'Grant,' Stark the newest member of the council said. He had taken Orick's seat when the big man died. 'is it true you can be send'n out on the terminals here?'

'Aye.' Grant chuckled 'Zdana and I have figured out how to intercept and change a few orders here and there.' Zdana returned his smile.

'What do you mean?' Stine asked.

'They order them to dig in the west, we send them north.' She explained. 'They want them to dig north, we send them south. We have cost them a few of their better tunnel borers.'

'Is that how you are keeping them from finding us here?' Logi asked confused.

'No,' Zdana told him. 'they cannot find us because of their own incompetence and foolishness. We keep changing their orders just to mess with them.' There was light laughter from the watchers. 'Grant and I are testing the waters for something bigger. Transmitting is new for me, and hacking Citynet is new for Grant. Causing the Capital grief is fun, but it is also helping us practice.'

'What be you practicing for?' Zava asked glaring at both Grant and Zdana. 'You two be up to no good.' Zdana smiled to her momma amused.

'It is good momma.' She promised. 'We are working to inform the people of the Capital of their Council's evil. We just have to be careful to do it without starting an all out blood bath and riot. It is just a side project that we work on in our down time.' Zava nodded and looked to Stine.

'Speak'n of downtime. There be too much.' The woman said worried. 'People that no work be bored. Be fighting and be make'n trouble.'

'She is right.' Xavier said from the side. 'My men and I have been fighting to keep the peace. It has only been six months since we were sealed in here. They are workers.' He motioned to the crowd. 'The new training is helping their minds, but they need to work their bodies as well. Burn off all that extra energy.'

'What about the gym?' Grant asked confused. 'I have dragged a few people in there and shown them how to use the equipment. We hardly see anyone in there most days. It is the only way I can calm down Zava and Zdana.'

'Aye good fun that gym.' Vallidro chuckled amused. 'Be like mine'n but no dirt and rock get'n in my boots.'

'Not everyone be know'n how to be use'n them contraptions.' Someone from the crowd called.

'Zdana, Zava, and I are in there all the time.' Grant said standing to face the crowd. 'We are happy to show you and ask that you show the next person in turn.' There were murmurs of agreement. 'I have another suggestion that may help. This city is built for five thousand residents. We are only just over two thousand. That leaves a lot of the city empty and uncharted. Start exploring and mapping the city. It will be good practice for when we go up.'

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