Chapter Fifteen

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She lay herself flat to the ground and her father strapped her down with a thick belt nailed into the rock floor. She was on her back with her feet facing the wall separating them from the new cavern. Once he was sure the five others in the tunnel were secure, he went to the tunnel wall and strapped himself in. She looked to her left to see Grant watching everything worried. He was on his stomach with a rock in one hand, and the transmitter in the other.

'Scanner says there is a hollow on the other side here.' Orick said grabbing a thick rope. Through a series of pulleys, it was attached to a massive battering ram affixed to the ceiling. 'Everyone stand back a little. I will see if I can break through.' Zdana looked in time to see her poppa pull the rope. The battering ram drew back, then when Orick gave it slack, it swung forward and hit the wall sounding like a small explosion. The wall had cracked and splintered badly, but it had not broken the seal. Her poppa pulled the ram back again as far as it could go, and again let it fly. It took three more strikes, before the world around her turned into a massive swirling wind tunnel of screams and confusion. The wind sucked at her so hard she feared the belt that ran over her chest and under her arms would not hold.

The wind did not stop, but it became calmer and she was able to look up again. When the ram hit the wall the last time, the sheet of rock imploded leaving a massive opening. The ram itself had been ripped out of the tunnel's ceiling and sucked into the gaping darkness of the cavern. She looked to Grant to find him still smashing the transmitter with the rock. It was well and truly crushed, but knew that was not why he was still hitting it.

Zdana pulled her detector from her pocket and turned it on just in case. After moving it near the broken transmitter, she was happy to see the light stay off.

'We are clear.' She said. 'Is everyone alright?'

'Zen be out.' Someone called near her feet. 'I think a rock be hit'n him.' She struggled to unstrap the belt. When she was free, she went to Zen who was laying still. The miner's head was covered in blood. 'Oh no.' She whispered as tears filled her eyes. A chuck of rock the size of her fist had caved in his skull and he no longer drew breath. 'Mother take this man into your embrace.' She whispered. 'Bring him to your warmth and help him find piece.'

'No!' Bretta said joining them. She fell to her knees and freed Zen from the belt holding him. Zdana backed off letting the grieving woman gather her mate into her arms.

'Hell.' Orick sighed rubbing his eyes. He had freed himself as well and joined Zdana. 'We knew it would be dangerous. Hoped we wouldn't lose anyone.' He looked around to the others. 'Anyone else hurt?' He demanded.

'Cuts and bruises.' Grady sighed. His left hand was soaked in blood. Zdana went to him with the first aid kit and went to work cleaning out a gash the ran from his wrist to his thumb nail. The nail had been split in two. 'Don't you be worry'n bout old Grady now girl. I be tough and can take it.'

'We need to run a scan.' Orick said worried. 'Or this will all be for nothing.'

'Not yet.' Grant said trying to free himself. Orick went to him and released the belt then helped him up. 'What would you do normally after something like this happened? Would you run a scan,' he motioned to Bretta and Zen 'or would you care for your wounded and dead?' Orick nodded his understanding.

Zdana bandaged Grady up the best she could, then watched as her poppa displayed a level of kindness he rarely showed to anyone but her and Zava. He knelt beside the wailing Bretta.

'Come now Bretta.' He soothed. 'You have to let him go. He is with the Mother now and this is just a husk. Let me carry him home and we will put him to rest.' With some gentle coaxing, Orick was able to calm the woman down. He picked up Zen and the group headed back toward the Fens. Zdana stayed at Bretta's side even though she did not like the woman that much. Bretta had a narrow view of half bloods and was never afraid to speak her mind about it.

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