Chapter Thirty - Grant

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The wound on his leg throbbed in time with his heartbeat and he could not hold back the grown as he tried to get comfortable. The hand that stroked his cheek was rough with work, yet still soft and he smiled opening his eyes. Zdana was watching him worried.

'Would you like some more numb tea?' She asked running her fingers through his hair.

'No, just stiff. Did I miss the endurance trials?' He asked taking her hand into his. He kissed her palm.

'The council has put the games on hold for a few days.' She told him letting him pull her into bed with him. Once she was under the covers she cuddled close to him. Even dressed in furs, her skin was cool and he wondered where she had been. 'It is all over Gateway what Roaric did. The council is meeting later to discuss if his win in the wrestling was also won by cheating. They are talking to those he was paired against.' Grant nodded frowning.

'When my leg is better, I would not mind fighting again.' He told her. 'Solivis should have made it to the last round. He was better than Roaric and tagged him first.'

'I know. They are talking about that as well.' She assured him. 'They may put the games off until you have healed enough to fight again. I hope you do not mind that I spoke for you at the meeting this morning. When they asked me, I told them you would want a fair outcome and would not argue if a rematch was ordered.' He kissed the top of her head.

'Good.' He told her. Before he could go on, there was a knock at the front door. Zdana sighed and crawled out of bed. Grant had not wanted to let her go. His mate's closeness had been distracting him from his throbbing leg. A moment later she returned looking confused.

Arra, a former city watchmen that had come down with Orick followed her holding something Grant recognized. He had just bought one before he had been sent down to the Fens and never even had a chance to try it.

'You know what this is?' Arra asked him.

'Aye.' He replied pulling himself into a sitting position. 'It is a Citynet portable terminal. I just bought one before I was sent here.' She nodded.

'I was working out a trade with Orick for it.' Arra told the two frowning. 'Orick was my friend for years. When he met up with me in the tunnels to finish our trade, he told me about Gateway and offered me a place. I kind of forgot about the terminal. I found it yesterday. Orick followed through with his side of the deal, but he is gone now, so I guess this is yours.' She handed it to Zdana. 'I think he meant it for you anyway. After seeing you working on those old out dated ones, I doubt you will have a problem handling this.'

Zdana accepted the flat panel confused and looked it over. Grant smiled at her shock. The updated terminals were light weighing only a two pounds at most. The one she was using now was more than thirty pounds, bulky, and broke easily. He knew that this new one would probably outlast all of them and could take a beating.

'What was your trade with Orick?' Grant asked and Arra frowned shaking her head.

'That was me between Orick and I.' She said before looking to Zdana. 'Most down here do not trust me because I was city watch. They do not realize that there were different branches. I had been offered a place in the mines watch, but refused. I had known what had happened to you. The truth of what really happened in those chambers. The council told everyone who saw you two taken out that you were offered a chance to be educated and you and your poppa attacked them like animals. My poppa had witnessed the entire thing. It had never set right with him and he told me never to trust the mine watch or the council.'

'How had he witnessed it?' Zdana asked confused. 'The only ones in that room had been council and guards.'

'He was Dean Moritin master of the school of advanced classes.' She told her. 'He is the one who was ordered to give you the advanced placement test.' Zdana frowned and Grant understood the annoyance he saw in his mate's eyes. She had told him about the man's shock over her score and how he had just stood motionless as she had been attacked. 'To his dying day,' Arra said softly 'he regretted freezing up when you two were attacked. My father was never a violent man.' She looked to Zdana 'He tried for years to find you and Orick. He even made contacts with Fens smugglers to reach out to you.'

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