Chapter Forty - Grant

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His shoulders and back were already aching and he had only been digging an hour. A quick glance at the others showed they were having the same problem. It had been over a year since they had dug anything and even though they were all strong, they were out of practice.

'Team four, fall back.' Jasper called 'Team five get in there.' Grant moved back letting a group of Deeps men move forward. After using a scrap of cloth to wipe his forehead he went to Jasper.

'Have you seen my mate?' He asked.

'What team she be on?' He asked.

'She was not assigned to a digging team.' Grant told him. 'She had to stay behind to shut down the city.'

'She probably be in the back then.' Jasper told him not really paying attention. Grant nodded and worked his way down the narrow tunnel. It was a tight squeeze to get past all of the hover carts of goods and people. He found Zava with Olson and his own family behind the fifth cart.

'Drink.' Haron said giving him a water ration. 'Go'n to be rough going the first few days. Diggers got to be get'n back into shape.' Grant nodded his agreement and drank down the ration.

'You be see'n Zdana?' Zava asked frowning.

'No, I just came looking for her.' Grant said 'Jasper thinks she is in the back somewhere. She was probably the last person in the tunnel. You know how she is.'

'Aye, she be worry'n about the Capital known we be here before we be ready for them.' Olson said. 'Power team be the last ones coming in. She be with them I be bet'n.'

'The tunnels are packed.' Grant sighed looking back. 'There is not much room to make our way back there.'

'I be do'n it!' Drak said excited. 'I be little enough to get through.'

'Aye son, go on.' Olli agreed. 'Just be quick about it. Tell her we are here when you find her.' He nodded and Grant watched amused as his little cousin ran off vanishing down the tunnel. 'Boy has more energy than he be know'n what to do with.'

'Aye. This trip will be hardest on the pups like him and his brother.' Grant said ruffling Seg's hair.

'I don't be think'n so.' Haron said scratching his chin as he looked back down the tunnel. 'These little ones can be getting through easy enough. They can be work'n as runners and messengers.' Zava nodded liking that idea.

'Seg.' She said to the boy. 'Go up the line and you be tell'n them up there to be use'n the little pups to be pass'n messages down the line. Just don't be go'n near the diggers. They be work'n hard up there and don't be need'n you under foot.' He grinned and bolted up the tunnel.

'I be send'n Drak to the other end when he be get'n back.' Kenya said amused watching her son vanish down the tunnel. Grant sat on the edge of one of the hover carts accepting a food ration. As he ate he thought over the city they had left behind. There had been so much rushing and people everywhere he had feared they would forget something important. Everyone had a job however, and knew what needed to be done. The last carts had been loaded with record breaking speed and precision. By the time the groups had finished their task, the first dig teams had already dug a tunnel deep enough for more than half of the group to fit inside.

Buckets full of broken rock were being passed to the back of the line as empty buckets were passed back up the line. As soon as the back of the line was inside the tunnel, the dome closed again sealing them out of Gateway forever.

'What you be frown'n about boy?' Haron asked 'This be a good day. We be going up.' Grant nodded his agreement.

'It is a good day grandpa.' He told him 'I am just worried about Gateway sealing like it did. Zdana and I programed it to wait a full two days before it sealed itself.'

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