Chapter Four - Zdana

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Her head ached almost as bad as her leg and back as she made her way to the cave she shared with her father. The market was again empty and quiet. This was the first trading day she had missed in a long while. Once she got started on repairing the fifteen pumps, she could not seem to stop herself. Both of her parents had popped in to make sure she had food and water, but even her poppa with his great size could not stop her long enough to sleep.

Orick glared at her as she limped into the cave. He was at the fire making morning meal. She gave him a tired smile felling satisfied with herself for finishing the job.

'Congratulations.' He growled annoyed. 'You finished the pumps and we still have no lights. What was the point of staying out all night to work on them?' Zdana shrugged not sure how to explain it. She sat back in her chair and could not stop the groan this time as she propped up her leg. Orick's face softened and he stood going to her. With great gentleness, he helped her remove her brace and set it aside. Worry creased his brow as he rubbed her sore knee. 'Your leg is swelling. Let me go see if Fran has some numb root.'

'I will be fine poppa.' Zdana assured him. 'All I need is food and sleep.' He nodded not looking convinced. Her father did however return to the fire. 'How did you make out at the markets?'

'Good. Better than expected.' Orick told her. 'The Deep's miners broke through to a new shaft full of giant rats. They came up loaded with meat and furs. Even better, they found a rich deposit of penzite. The Uptop will be ticked to see that shipped up.' Zdana nodded leaning her head back and closing her eyes.

'It's a shame we cannot send people down to help them mine it.' She sighed.

'Won't have to.' Orick assured her. 'It's under that section where they are starting the new mine. Your momma says they found the bottom of the vain. She is sure it runs up to the Fens. As desperate as the Uptop is for Penzite, Stine thinks he will be able to negotiate double rations for it. He is going to store the extra for lean times like these.'

Zdana jumped when the flap to the cave was thrown aside and Marcell barged in dragging the new man with him. The old man's face was flush and his eyes wide with excitement.

'What the hell?' Orick snapped standing to his full height. Most people ran screaming when her poppa gave them that look of fury. Marcell did not even flinch however. He grinned up to her father before looking to the man Grant. The new blood had paled and was staring at her father with wide frightened eyes. She was a little surprised to see he had one dark green eye, and the other was a dark blue.

'Tell them what you told me.' Marcell told the new blood excited. Grant did not take his eyes off of Orick however. 'Oh, do not worry about him. Just tell them.'

'Err,' Grant started worried. 'I was looking into wall south of the Capital for expansion. It was stable and I wanted to know why no one had built that way before.' Orick's scowl turned to a confused frown as he glanced to Zdana. She shrugged not sure what this was about either.

'Sit.' Orick ordered motioning to two of three folding chairs by the wall. Marcell grabbed them and set them up taking the one closer to the exit. Orick went back to stirring the pot on the fire.

'Go on Grant. Zdana will want to hear this.' Marcell said smiling as Grant took the seat next to her chair. She took a quick moment to look him over. He was fat compared to the people of the Fen. For those of the Capital however, he was probably thought to be in fair shape. His black hair was cut short and although it was rumpled now, she could tell he had taken good care of it. The two days of stubble on his chin was as dark as the hair on his head. He was moving well down here for a new blood. Most that came down had problems walking more than a few feet their first month. She could see the strain in his face, but it was nothing as it should be.

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