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Alec had his eyes trained on the large wooden doors, prepared to attack if needed. But the vampire who walked in, holding Demetri's hand like a child no less, seemed to be the least likely person to come to report a crime. Those who come to report crimes are typically spited individuals who hoped the higher authority would handle their dirty work. Not this one though. She looked grimy, and Alec scrunched his nose in disgust at that. Her dark hair was a tangled mess, her near translucent skin was covered in filth, her clothes (a man's dark green, button down shirt; loose jeans; and black snow boots that had fraying strings along its edges) were smudged with dirt, and she had an overall messy and disgruntled appearance. But her eyes were something else. They were purple, clear and dark, like the Morning Glories that grew on the sides of the wall in the city. A far cry from any other eye color he has seen. With every millisecond he spend contemplating the peculiar color the more heavy Alec's chest became, as if his body was telling him to move forward to get a closer look to those eyes.

Those deep,soulful eyes that were staring right at him.


Sybil felt breathless, if that was even possible. The boy who stood behind the center throne had the appearance of an angel. Dark, forceful, and powerful. Of course she knew that all vampires were freakishly beautiful, but the brunet decked to the nines in black looked better than anyone else she had ever laid her eyes on. None of the human boys had anything on him, none of they younger looking immortals could even compare. she felt like she was being drawn to him even if her feet never left the ground. His eyes glowed crimson. Everyone's eyes Sybil has seen so far have been red, but his seemed more cunning an focused.

Focused right on her.

'Well that's not intimidating at all.' she thought.

The two stared unblinkingly at each other for several seconds while Demetri introduced to the Masters. When Demetri gestured for Sybil to finish the exchange, she had to forcibly turn her gaze to the other man who smiled at her in a creepy way. Sybil decided she didn't like not looking at the boy, she felt hollow when she looked away.

"My dear, do you know who we are?" Aro asked gently, carefully moving forward to the girl as if not to startle her.

Sybil really wanted to return her gaze to the red eyes and flawless face of the boy instead. This man's face was too sharp and angular, his eyes seemed to be filmed over like a blind man's, but the intensity that he stared at her with told her that this man could see just fine, and that terrified her for some reason.

"Um- you're the Volturi? You take care of the crimes that vampires commit?" Sybil tried. She could practically hear the two guards that brought her in roll their eyes at her ignorance. the vampire with the dominant widow's peak in front of her seemed to be more amused than anything.

"Yes, my child, that is what we do. I am Aro, ruler of the Volturi along with my brothers, Caius and Marcus." He gestured to each man respectively. "I see you've met Demetri an Felix, I hope they treated you well." Aro waited for a response, and Sybil hesitantly nodded for him to continue. "The two behind me are the twins," Sybil glanced at the petite and terrifying blonde next to the inhumanly perfect boy, "Alec and Jane. But I do not know your name? Demetri, how could have not ask our guest?" he questioned, a hard glare went past Sybil's shoulder to the tracker behind her by the door.

Sybil liked Demetri. He was nice enough to her, so to distract the probable rage of Aro, Sybil began talking. "My name is Sybil." she more or less gasped. Now it seemed that all eyes were on her, even the disinterested glance of the dark haired man to the left of Aro's throne. "Uh... Sybil Merricot."

Aro smiled at the girl's participation.

"Ah, what a lovely name. Dear Sybil, Demetri tells us that you had witnessed a crime?"

The girl nodded eagerly. "Yes. I was in Slovakia, with the Winterlock clan, and-"

"My dear, my dear, calm yourself. I can see through your memories, no words or explanations needed." Aro spoke soothingly to relax the excited girl.

Alec watched in amusement as the girl turned from excited to wary, leaning away from Aro in distrust. "You can see through... memories?" she asked tentatively.

Oh this girl was really to innocent in Alec's eyes.

Aro nodded. "Yes. If i could just have your hand for but a moment, an i shall see what you have seen." He explained, holding out his own hand expectantly.

By reflex, Sybil looked at Alec, as if he should be giving her permission. He had kept his bored and disinterested expression since Sybil came in, which was meant intimidated her. But he stared at her with such intensity it threw Sybil's stomach in knots. She couldn't tell who scared her more, Aro or Alec.

Regardless, Sybil shyly gave Aro her hand, who seemed far to pleased to take it.

The memory of the immortal child was most prominent. Aro saw that it disturbed the girl greatly, seeing a child have the powers of a vampire. It was, obviously, a vampire, skin shining and all. And Aro could have stopped there, the girl's claims were true and that was all he need to bring the guilty vampire to justice but Aro couldn't help himself and divulged further. He saw mostly the covens Sybil had visited or came upon on accident. Many hunting trips and Sybil... sleeping? The fear of the Winterlock clan now hunting her was very recent, too. Her power was extraordinary really, forcing them not to pay attention to her to act as if she was invisible and not suffer the consequences of anyone else's powers. He saw that she was a rather nosy creature, always snooping around and sneaking off in curiosity. Further back, he saw a memory of waking up in an empty metal building. Frantic and hungry, but not a newborn. Aro tried even further than that, but found nothing. It was like swimming through the thickest fog, her memories. Faint reminisces of nodding off in a car, the smell chlorine and unbearable heat beating upon her back, the ringing of a school bell, and terrible pain, but nothing else beyond that.

Then Aro realized Sybil didn't remember her past. Her first year or so as a vampire and her whole human life before were hazy at best, but mostly blank. 'How interesting.' Aro thought.

Releasing her hand, Aro smiled as Sybil stepped back in confusion.

"You are correct, my dear. That child was an immortal. We thank you for reporting this crime." Aro said cordially. 

As he walked back to his throne, Sybil turned to Demetri. "Do I leave now, or..."

"I was hoping you would stay for the trial, dear Sybil." Aro responded, sitting down on the ornate thrown. "Of course, we'll have the proper accommodations set up for you until then. We do hope you stay." he offered. Caius scoffed at that statement and Marcus's eyes flickered between Sybil and Alec in curiosity. Sybil felt shamed that she was caught staring at an obviously important Volturi clan member.

Aro's offer sounded more like a demand. Stiffly, Sybil nodded, and chose her next words carefully. "I would be honored to remain here until the trial is over." she said slowly, the some what exaggerated words felt foreign on her tongue.

Each person had a mixed reaction. Marcus stared at her with a puzzled gaze, Caius and Jane both looked annoyed and bored with her, Felix remain stoic, and Demetri seemed relieved that Sybil wasn't executed. But out of everybody's expression, the two most pleased was a tie between Aro and Alec, the former held an accomplished grin on his face, the latter's eyes shined with pleasure and amusement at her decision.

Maybe choosing to stay wasn't the right choice after all.

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